Redefining Sexy: How to be a Sexy Modern Woman on Your Own Terms

Hey there, beautiful! If you’re reading this, then you’re feeling the urge to make a change or get a boost of goddess energy in your life. I understand it, and here’s why I do.

modern woman

First of all, I really shouldn’t still be here. Yep, that’s right. In high school, I was told I wouldn’t walk again when I broke my hip as a freshman. I beat those odds.

Then I had a life-threatening illness in my mid-20s that altered the course of my life. I went from being a carefree young professional to someone who worried daily whether she was going to survive. I made it through.

Later in my early 30s, I again found myself very ill, mostly unable to walk or even bend over due to the damage to my knee and spine. I also worked in war zones to help people improve their lives — and believe me; I had a couple of close calls there as well. After going through my goddess journey, I’m now the healthiest, happiest I’ve ever been.

Did it take some profoundly intentional work? Sure, but I had a lot going on. I struggled for years to reclaim my true nature, the one I was born with, to uncover the true me, the goddess woman is me.

modern woman

Some of you might be feeling your version of what I felt. Maybe your life hasn’t turned out like you wanted or expected. Maybe you don’t feel happy, and you’re not sure what you want.

Maybe you know what you want, but you just can’t seem to get it. Perhaps you can’t even put your finger on what went wrong.

Well, ladies, it’s time to remember how you got to where you are now, time to recognize and own the limiting stories you believe about yourself, time to reclaim the truth about you.

Clear the Old Stories

Each of our journeys to owning our innate sexiness begins with letting go of other people’s stories about who women are supposed to be. We all have access to our divine nature. We are all goddesses in a body… but how do we remember that?

When you choose to reclaim being a goddess woman, you’re choosing to be the real you in physical form: no masks, no pretentions, no attempt to become a carbon copy of someone else. You know who you are. You trust yourself and your decisions, and that makes you confident. You came into this world with everything you need to live a divine rockstar life because you are a divine rockstar at the core.

modern woman

Mainstream media and advertising and Photoshop are our jailers, and we’ve given them that power. We’ve been bamboozled by the notion that specific characteristics make a woman sexy and beautiful. We start to buy into the story that we aren’t sexy because we don’t fit the bill.

This way leads to madness. It’s easy to start obsessions about the things we need to “fix” about our bodies, to buy into the notion that sexiness can only be achieved by looking outside ourselves and waiting for someone else to affirm we are beautiful.

Let’s cut these soul-leeching stereotypes out of our sexiness lexicon. Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Smart girls don’t bag men.
  • She slept her way to the top.
  • Sexy women aren’t respected.
  • Sexy women can’t be satisfied outside the entertainment industry.
  • Sexy women can’t be trusted.
  • Sexy women are asking for it.
  • Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.
  • Fat girls are lazy.
  • Fat girls are unhealthy.
  • You’re pretty for a big girl.
  • Hot guys don’t want fat girls.
  • Moms aren’t hot.
  • Good moms shouldn’t be sexy.
  • Wives can’t be sexy.
  • Spiritual people aren’t sexy.
  • Sexy people aren’t spiritual.
  • Ugly girls don’t have friends.
  • Women who think too much of themselves are arrogant.
  • Women who say what they want and go for it are bitches.
  • She’s a man-eater.
  • She’s a ball-buster.

It’s time to toss these stereotypes to the curb. They’re hurtful and false, and they hinder us from embracing our true goddess nature when we think of ourselves or others in this way.

modern woman

Enjoy a Loving Self-Image

What would happen if we stopped putting ourselves down in our heads every time we look in the mirror? Aren’t you sick of feeling like you have to either rebel or assimilate in response to society’s “rules” about what sexy is and what it isn’t?

Clearing the stories, you have around your body, and all of its parts is a tremendous starting point to loving yourself. This intentional reclaiming will unlock more and more of your natural goddess woman self, the one who is wired to be beautiful and sexy. When you believe that, you bring back your goddess swagger.

Regardless of your physical ability or disability, regardless of your body shape, regardless of any physical characteristic you have that society has caused you to call into question, you can own your truth as a sexy goddess woman. Commit to love your body every day, and you will be well on your way to redefining sexy for yourself and owning that. When you love your body, you change your whole life. Start there and watch the positive shift ripple out into all that you experience.

Regardless of any physical characteristic you have that society has caused you to call into question, you can own your truth as a sexy modern woman.


  • Ava Miles

    International bestselling author Ava Miles calls herself a divine rockstar — something she believes everyone is deep down. Her all-new book series, “The Goddess Guides to Being A Woman,” invites us all to reimagine what it means to be a modern woman — on our own terms. Join Ava in letting the brilliance of your true goddess nature — and that of all the girls and women in your life — shine through. For more information, visit

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