9 Inspiring YouTube Videos For Every Woman In Her 20’s

9 Inspiring YouTube Videos For Every Woman In Her 20's

YouTube might be your go-to place for cute cat videos, workout videos, strength training, and movie trailers, but not life motivation videos.

However, it can be both! Hundreds of intelligent, thoughtful people post motivational speeches about life every day on the site. Many have motivational speeches and inspiring YouTube videos for women with over a million views that are perfect for 20-something-year-old women to hear.

9 Inspiring YouTube Videos For Every Woman In Her 20’s

Here is a list of ten inspiring YouTube videos for women:

1. “It’s Okay Not To Be Okay” by Carrie Hope Fletcher

“It’s harder to voice the fact that you’re not okay…but it’s better. It’s better to share that with someone rather than try to cope with it on your own. And you know, it doesn’t mean that you’re weak or a failure, it just means that you’re not Wonder Woman.”

In this video, Carrie reminds us all that when we are having a difficult time, our friends and family are there to help us. It is crucial to reach out to others and ask for help when needed. It is one of those powerful motivational videos that can help women learn valuable lessons and advice about life, especially as they go through many significant changes in their 20s and 30s.

Some will be good, and some will be bad. When the tough times come, it is tempting to bottle up our sadness, affecting our mental health. This method, however, is counter-productive to the healing process.  It is so much better to share our thoughts and feelings with those close to us.

2. “10 TIPS FOR HOOKUPS!” by Laci Green

“Hookups are one of those things that people kinda get yell-y about…the way I see it, is that it’s pretty simple. If you’re into hooking up: cool. If you’re not into hooking up: cool.”

Laci Green is a sex-positive educator on YouTube. She is a fearless online presence, discussing any topics relating to sex and gender. Laci’s personality makes discussing these topics fun, erasing all terrible memories of sex ed in high school. In this video, she gives ten women tips for if you decide to hook up.

Perhaps the most important tips are that you should be hooking up for the right reasons, it’s consensual, and you use protection. Talking about hooking up positively is so important. 

Laci offers wisdom concerning hookups and relieves any anxiety associated with this matter. It is among those inspiring YouTube videos for women that will clear up their thoughts.

3. “What Boys Look For in Girls” by Hank Green

“There is very little objectivity when it comes to human mate selection. We’re crazy. We don’t make any sense. And thus, since whether or not someone wants to date you is apparently based on complete randomness, it’s kinda a super terrible thing to base your self-worth on.”

Hank Green’s gender (male) does not impede him from clearly identifying sexism in our culture. It is one of the motivational and inspirational videos dedicated to the millions of women who are told how to see themselves and define beauty by men. From movies to commercials to songs, Millennial women are bombarded with rules for how we should look. They need inspirational videos about life to get out of the dilemma. 

However, beauty standards vary greatly across time and culture. There is no one true mark of beauty. Fashion and makeup should be a mode of self-expression, not solely a way to make others like you. Loving yourself is more important than changing yourself to make someone else attract you.

4. “The ONLY Life Advice You Need” by Tyler Oakley


Another YouTube motivational speaker, Tyler Oakley, gives two pieces of life advice that all people in their 20’s deserve to hear. Whether you need to work on yourself or your social circle, Tyler is here to tell it straight.

Many times in life, we need the best motivational speech to realize that we need to make a change, and those close to us know it, too, but no one says it out loud. When it is left unsaid, we can ignore it. Watching these sorts of inspiring YouTube videos changes that. Trust me, it’s for the better!

5. “Things We Tell Ourselves” by Emma Blackery

“I find myself telling myself lies upon lies…about what I need to do or how long something can wait and I don’t do anything all day and then suddenly everything just creeps up on me and then I stress out thinking ‘Why have I got to do all this at the same time?’”

Emma Blackery is known for her dry humor and sharp insight. In this skit, she expresses the lazy woes of all of us who live away from our parents. As a college student, I relate. I’m sure all of you Millennials who live on your own do, too.

Emma’s humorous portrayal of a woman living on her own does not overshadow the point she is making. She is self-aware of her lazy habits, knows she can do better, and wants to become better at doing household chores. At the same time, she is expressing how much she appreciates all the years she spent living with her father. These types of motivational videos on YouTube are sentiments that all 20-year-olds can relate to.

6. “Happy and Healthy” by Carrie Hope Fletcher

“You are you. You look like you for a reason. And the point is to be comfortable with that.”

Carrie is such a wonderful person that I had to include two of her inspiring YouTube videos on this list as one of the best YouTube videos for women! In “Happy and Healthy,” she discusses the issue of weight and how society emphasizes women’s weight and eating habits. Her overall message is that as long as you are happy and healthy, it doesn’t matter what your favorite food is.

In the end, Carrie does something that has probably never been done in a YouTube video: she takes her measurements on camera. She aims to prove that these numbers do not make up her overall value. This is a crucial video for everyone to watch.

Regardless of whether or not you have body image issues, it’s essential to be reminded that a woman’s appearance doesn’t reflect her inner worth.

7. “HOW TO HANDLE HATERS” by Grace Helbig

“Number Three: Imagine them in a completely ridiculous way.”

This video suggests five ways to handle people who say or do rude things to you. We all have to deal with these people in our lives, so knowing how to react is essential. The most important thing to remember is your personality, your work, or their opinion of you do not define you.

Chances are, their criticism isn’t even accurate. Bullies are often mean because they are insecure themselves.  If you realize what they’re saying is true, look at their comment as constructive criticism.

Even though the hater might have meant it to bring you down, you can appropriate it to build you up. Grace’s suggestions on handling the haters range from sincere and wise to zany, but all are useful.

8. “How to Get Your Dream Job” Advice for Women by Emily Graslie

“If you want to be a photographer or an astronaut or a writer or whatever, identify what it is about those careers that you find appealing.”

Emily Graslie guest stars on the YouTube channel How To Adult, which is dedicated to helping 20-year-olds transition into the real world! In this episode, Emily talks about how to land your dream job based on her career experience. Many Millennials feel they can’t have their dream job because it is unattainable or won’t pay the bills. If that sounds like you, the message of such videos for women is especially important.

It all begins with aspiration; if you stick with it and work hard, you can achieve almost anything.

9. “I Am A Bad Feminist” by Marina Watanabe

“Basically there are only two kinds of feminists: the ones that make mistakes and learn from them, and the ones that don’t do that.”


In the last inspiring video on this list, Marina Watanabe opens up about the struggle of being a feminist in a culture that conditions us to think sexist thoughts. As much as we all try to be good feminists, we sometimes use a problematic word or think a misogynistic thought. As women in our 20s, we’re the target audience for a lot of sexist media.

Letting it all breeze past us without affecting our outlook on the world is challenging. This video perfectly illustrates this tension. Marina’s motivation for women is that as long as you try and learn from your mistakes, you’re the better type of feminist.

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Final Thoughts

These videos and social media creators offer wisdom to help us through our 20s. If you enjoy this video, I encourage you to explore their other videos and other channels on YouTube. You’re sure to find others you’ll love.

If you liked all these videos, you can watch them together through a playlist on the Miss Millennia YouTube Channel by clicking here!

Grab your mobile phone, find an empty place to relax, and explore these inspiring videos that capture the essence of New York and beyond, including captivating stock videos and music videos that resonate with the aspirations of young women everywhere.

Whether you’re a single mom looking for land-based exercises to do in the comfort of your living room or a young man seeking to support and appreciate young women’s journey, this list has something for everyone.

What do you think of these videos? Do not forget to share your reviews. 

9 Inspiring YouTube Videos For Every Woman In Her 20's


  • Lexi Bollis

    Lead Editor of Miss Millennia Magazine. Bachelor's in English, Creative Writing from Kenyon College. Teach for America Alumna. Nonprofit professional. Lover of cats and reading. Actively pursuing equity and justice for all.

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