6 Surprising Tips To Being Happier At Work
While we all grow to hate the sound of our morning alarm, and we cannot expect to be happy at work 100% of the time – job satisfaction is much more important than you may think.
After all, the average adult will spend 1/3 of their life working. As a result, the way in which you feel at work can have a major impact on your overall health and happiness while also dictating your financial stability.
With that in mind, here are some tips that you can use to feel happier at work!
Don’t Be Afraid to Voice Your Opinions
Whether you are dealing with workplace conflict or feel overburdened by your workload, it’s important that you seek out and ask for help when you need it. Unfortunately, many employees choose to remain silent during struggles as they do not want to face repercussions or have their superiors believe they are not capable.
However, it’s far better to ask for help as they will be able to put strategies in place to support you or ensure your training is up to date. As a result, you’ll actually find that you not only enjoy your job more – you’ll get better at it too.
Know Your Rights
Regardless of what industry you work within, there are certain regulations in place designed to keep you happy, healthy, and safe at work. As a result, it is important that you know your rights within the workplace to ensure that they are being met.
If not, you may be able to take legal action. If you work within the construction industry and were injured while lifting, you may be eligible for compensation.
Work With A Career Coach
One reason why you may feel unhappy is that you are not sure where to go moving forward. Career progression is essential to workplace happiness. It sets you new challenges and gives you something to work towards on difficult or draining days.
However, when this progression seems non-existent, it’s easy to lose motivation. Thankfully, there are various ways in which you can combat this.
You can ask your boss to take on more work or to shadow a senior member of your team. Alternatively, you may want to work with a career coach. They can help you realign your goals and figure out your next best step.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Whether you are preparing for a big presentation or have a deadline looming over your shoulders, it can be easy for stress to settle in when working. However, if you allow yourself to get overwhelmed each day – you’re putting your health and happiness at risk.
As a result, it’s important that you learn not to sweat the small stuff. Whenever you feel stress creeping in – take a step back. Think about whether or not the thing you are worried about will matter in an hour.
Then a week. Then a month. If the answer to these questions is always no, then you’ll know to stop stressing and start working.
Bond With Your Colleagues
While we’ve all dealt with an annoying colleague from time to time, your relationship with your colleagues will also impact your happiness at work. As a result, it is important that you make an effort to bond together as a team.
Not only will this help you form friendships, but you’ll also notice an increase in productivity and collaboration as a result. Thankfully, there are also various ways in which you can begin to bond with colleagues – whether you pick them up a coffee on the way to work or eat lunch together.
Assess Your Work Life Balance
Sometimes, the reason you may be feeling unhappy at work is that you are simply working too much. As a result, finding the perfect work/life balance will help you to feel happier and subsequently less burnt out. To achieve this goal, you must ensure that you work only your allocated hours each day (with rare exceptions) and that you do not take any work home with you.
This way – your free time is exactly that – free. You should also make time in your schedule for socializing, exercising, and keeping up with your hobbies. If you feel as though your workload does not correspond with your working hours – speak to your superiors and discuss any changes that can be made to accommodate this.