Women’s Appreciation Series: Zee Worstell

Zee Worstell

I am excited to present our first featured woman in our Women’s Appreciation Series: Zee Worstell. I have been following Zee for some time now. When Miss Millennia Magazine was beginning, I needed to find some inspiration. I needed to see that 1. What we were trying to do was feasible and to help us build some morale when times got tough.

Then I stumbled across GoodGirlsFinishLast.com, now AccelerateHer.com, and I loved it from the start. Zee spoke about breaking out of the “good girl” social mores instilled upon us from birth to excel in our careers. Her site inspired me to put my best foot forward and go for my dreams. And I am honored to be able to feature her in Miss Millennia Magazine.

What inspired you to work to empower women in the work environment?

A few years ago, after spending 15 years working in the recruiting industry, watching women sell themselves short and hesitate to ask for their worth, my 12-year-old daughter asked me the question that started my journey to empower women.

She asked me why women make less than men, and although I had some ideas, I didn’t know. After researching the actual statistics, I realized that I had to do my part to make some changes. I have two daughters, and when they decide to go into business or start their own business, I want to know that I have made some changes to help them earn what they’re worth.

What are you most proud of?

I am proud of two things. The first is the results the women I coach can achieve.  My mission to change the statistics is not really about me at all.  It is about women business owners who can take the system.

I have developed to learn how to embrace their value so they can earn what they’re worth.  The second thing I am proud of is the We’re Worth More Initiative, which I have started to get women to band together and support each other to earn what we’re worth.

Who has impacted you most in your career, and how?

Quite a few fantastic women have influenced me and helped me see how much women can accomplish when they are willing to embrace their values and price themselves right.  I can’t just pick one, but some fantastic women are Amy Applebaum, Tiffany Peterson, and Lynden Kidd.

What is your mission statement?

My mission statement is: I am devoted to empowering women to embrace their value and the value of their company so they can earn what they’re worth. My goal is to do my part to change the statistics surrounding women business owners and how much they earn.

 What would be your inspirational message to young women struggling to fulfill their dreams?

As a young woman, the most important thing you can remember is to stay true to your dreams and ask for what you want. We are taught when we are young that if we do a good job, people will notice and be recognized. In the business world and in life, it doesn’t typically work that way.  

People will not just give you promotions or more money because you work hard; you need to make people aware of what you do that matters and then ask for what you want.  You won’t get it every time, but you will get it 100% more than the times you don’t ask.

How would you handle women who you witnessed that were sabotaging their careers?

I find education is the best way to help women sabotage their careers. Most women still use the “good girl beliefs” they were taught when they were young to manage their careers and businesses, and those are not necessarily the best rules to follow. By educating women about how those beliefs sabotage their success, I can help them adopt different beliefs and improve their results.

 Besides inspiring and empowering women, what do you like to do in your spare time?

 Besides empowering women, I am doing my best to empower my two daughters. I am a passionate mom, and I spend lots of time with my girls and my husband. We are a close-knit family and like being together. My daughters are the best things I have ever created, and I am doing my best to raise them to be confident women.

What advice would you give to women interested in becoming a women’s coach?  

I would advise other women who are interested in becoming women’s coaches to find their unique voice and then go for it. There are many women out there who need support, and one of the main reasons women don’t earn as much as men is that they don’t get support and guidance from other women.

Since everyone has a unique voice, and each woman responds to a different voice, there is room for many women who want to coach others.

What do you love most about your profession?

What I love most about what I do is the impact I can help women make in their businesses. When women learn my system, “The Revenue AccelerateHER,” they can transform their businesses and how they approach their careers. As I watch my clients explode their revenue and their confidence, I know deep down that they are changing the statistics surrounding how much women earn. I also know that I had a hand in that change.

When I started coaching women, I dreamt of making a difference so that when I turned 80, I wouldn’t wonder what I had accomplished. When I see women asking for what they want and getting more than they expected, I know I am accomplishing my dream, and that means so much more to me than money.

Where do you see yourself five years from now in your industry?

In five years, I will still be helping women with their businesses and careers to ask for more and earn what they’re worth. My “We’re Worth More Initiative” will continue and expand to a whole new level. My goal of incorporating a non-profit aspect to the Initiative will take shape so we can help women worldwide who need support embracing their values and setting themselves up for success.

I dream of working hard to help women in business make strides and change the statistics so that women are no longer paid less and no longer earn less but instead are celebrated for their ability to run a successful business while still being mothers and wives. As I help tens of thousands of women learn the Revenue Accelerateher System, they will help me expand my reach by teaching it to their daughters and the women who follow them. The best way to change the statistics is to take ownership of our value.

Is there anything else you would like us to add?

I want to encourage women, no matter where you are in your career or business, to figure out what you want to accomplish and then develop a plan.  Don’t let others tell you that what you want is impossible or not a valid goal.  Set aside your “good girl beliefs” and ask for what you need to succeed, then let your talent shine bright.  And remember, we can’t do this on our own… we all need support. So, I encourage you to join the We’re Worth More Initiative at www.accelerateHER.com and let me and my team help you pursue your goals.

Zee Worstell


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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