The Top 15 Desirable Traits In A Partner
A good relationship is all about compromise. Although, from business to the bedroom, having a reliable partner is a must when looking into any romantic relationship; these traits in a partner make the best person to be with.
1. Active Listener
Listening to your partner and vice versa is an essential trait. An open line of communication creates a stable environment. However, the importance of Listening goes much deeper.
It goes without saying; to listen, you need to pay attention.
Active Empathetic Listening is a psychological term that describes how well you listen to someone else. By sensing, processing, and responding, you are making an emotional connection and creating a clear sense of communication and understanding.
Read Active Listening Techniques to learn more about this.
2. Emotionally Intelligent
Emotional intelligence is so important in a relationship. It knows why you are feeling what you are feeling.
When young child feels frustrated or angry, they often don’t understand why, and that’s why they react the way they do. This also happens to adults, and we see many tantrums in adulthood. Recognizing how you feel and why you feel it is essential. It lets your partner know what actions make you feel a certain way.
Read Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ to learn more about this.
3. Empathetic
Being able to empathize with your partner is vital in any relationship.
When partners can achieve empathy and validate their loved ones, they support them and create a therapeutic bond. So there is a reason why we need to vent after a bad day at work, right?
If you and your partner want to be more empathetic, pick up a copy of Empathy: Why It Matters, And How To Get It.
4. Open-Minded
Say you want to see a band and bring your significant other, but they shut you down immediately because it isn’t their scene. Automatically, you feel insignificant. This can cause severe damage to a relationship.
Having an open mind is so important because it allows compromise to work.
It is always good to have things in common with your partner. However, keeping an open mind and trying new things will keep your relationship exciting. With an open mind, anything is possible.
5. Organized
Having a partner who is organized is a lifesaver. They are never late; remember special dates, and place your favorite things.
An organized partner can always help you when you have a deadline or are stuck with something. Not to mention, being organized makes you happier and less stressed. In addition, an organized partner is more likely to be reliable.
These things make for a better life, with much more time focused on essential things than trying to find where you put that invitation.
6. Passionate
When your partner has things they’re passionate about, that’s hot. When they support you in going after your passions, that’s even hotter.
Passion is sometimes the only thing that keeps people going, which is necessary for any relationship. But, unfortunately, indifference is also one of the biggest killers of relationships. On the other hand, if your partner is passionate about something, they are likely growing as a person.
Having passion not only increases your happiness but those around you as well. It also promotes a life outside your relationship.
Read Find Your Passion: 25 Questions You Must Ask Yourself with your sweetie to dive into this trait.
7. Supportive
Your partner should be supportive of the goals you set for yourself.
Being supportive helps you feel important and will likely be very impactful to what you are doing. A supportive partner is willing to back you up no matter what; they believe in your actions and will be with you every step. Having that person to help hold you up will not only benefit whatever you are doing but make your relationship stronger.
8. Responsible
A reliable partner, of course, has to be responsible. You don’t want some to go off the handle unexpectedly or make risky choices. It will affect you whenever your partner does something that isn’t beneficial to them.
Conversely, a reliable partner takes responsibility for their actions, whether good or bad. If your partner can’t say they were wrong, there will be a big problem in the future.
9. Healthy
When someone takes their health seriously, it usually means they care about themselves. Self-love is one of the best traits in a partner!
By ensuring you live a healthy lifestyle, you are saying you want to be around longer. That, in turn, lets you do all these things on this list longer for your partner.
A person who cares about their health will also care about yours. Anyone who cares enough about your health because they want you around longer is a showing of their character and their love for you.
One of the best ways to take care of your health is to subscribe to a meal kit service like HelloFresh. It’s an excellent way for you and your SO to care for your health together!
10. Independent
In a relationship, each person must have an independent and collective identity.
A desirable partner can be independent of their significant other and do things independently. While it is entirely okay to ask for help, independence is still an excellent trait for your partner.
11. Willing to Learn
Just like someone open-minded, a desirable partner is willing to learn. However, when presented with a conflict, your partner needs to be able to change their way of thinking to overcome an obstacle. If someone refuses to expand their knowledge, they stagnate in their shortcomings.
A person who continues to learn is not only valuable but wonderful to have around. They will always consider your opinions, knowing that another perspective can lead to solving the problem.
If this is a skill you or your partner needs to work on, pick up a copy of Crucial Conversations.
12. There for You
What good is it to have all these traits if someone isn’t there when you need them?
Being available is necessary for a reliable relationship because it shows that you care. When a partner isn’t general, it makes the other person doubt the relationship—being available shows that you care.
13. Trustworthy
Trust is crucial in any relationship, especially in a romantic one.
Trust isn’t a one-way street; to have a truly reliable partner, you need to be able to trust them, and they need to be able to trust you. So it’s essential to have that mutual agreement that you know everything will be okay.
Trust brings two people closer together; this is why broken trust can break a relationship faster than anything.
14. Shared Visions and Goals
While you should be passionate about each other’s aspirations, you should also have the same goals and wishes.
Say you love kids, and you want five, but your partner doesn’t want any—that’s going to cause problems in the long run. When you want the same things, your partner will work harder to achieve those goals.
15. Team Player
A reliable partner is also going to be a fair partner. A suitable partner is also going to be a team player, which is essential in a relationship because it improves your bond and the bond with others around you, including family and friends.
Those who show good team player skills are often better off depending on large projects and complex problems. This is because they are often more concentrated on getting the job done than with whom they are doing it. They will probably give you credit too!
Do you have more desirable traits in a partner to share? Comment below and tell us what it is! Then, check out some of our other articles about relationships!
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