6 Tips to Help You Quit Smoking
It is never easy to give up a bad habit. Smoking seems to be one of the hardest bad habits that millions of people struggle to kick. And I am here for you!
Sure, I can tell you to stop cold turkey or chewing gum, but what about the other 24 hours of the day? Smoking is a HABIT. That means you probably reach for a cigarette before realizing it. So here are a few tips and tricks that can help keep you motivated during this crazy-hard time.
Quit While You’re Happy
Some people begin to smoke when their lives take a turn for the worse. So quitting while you are not stressed, angry, or sad can increase your chances of kicking this bad habit out of your life for good.
Put Your Cash In A Jar
And watch it grow! Being a smoker is a costly habit. Getting a big, clear jar and putting the cash you would typically use for buying cigarettes will be a visual motivator and can be used for something extraordinary later!
Create A Smoke-Free Zone
If there is more than just you smoking in or around your home or workspace, let them know that you are trying to quit. Hopefully, they care enough for your well-being sufficient to respect your wishes! If not, you will have to remove yourself.
Switch Up Your Routine
We are creatures of habit–especially me. If the first thing you do is wake up, smoke, and brush your teeth, that’s what you are going to do.
Changing your day-to-day is easy to distract you from missing that old habit. Instead of having a smoke break, take a walk instead. Enjoy all of that extra fresh air!
Get Fit
Being a smoker and being fit does not mesh very well. You need your longs to be at their best for most exercises! And studies show that daily routine is just as good–if not better–for stress!
Every time you exercise, a neurotransmitter called dopamine, the feel-good hormone, is released. As an added benefit, you can look good and feel good!
Hang Out With A Non-Smoker
Everything is a lot easier with a friend, and so is this! The good thing about having a friend who does not smoke is that people can get through life without having to smoke. They will be your best motivators, and you can pick up some of their good habits instead of falling into the old ones you are trying to avoid. Plus, they can hit up the gym with you, too!
Giving up a bad habit–especially smoking–is always going to be complicated. But in the long run, it will help you and the people around you. With products like Aquatine and the existence of effective and safe vaporizers, people will have the chance to have a renewed life without smoking cigarettes.
At the end of this journey that you are considering (or have already started–go you!), you’ll be happy that you did. You may even inspire someone else to quit a bad habit!