How to plan an amazing Bachelorette party
A bachelorette party is a tradition that has long formed part of the wedding planning, but this time it’s not the bride doing the organizing – it’s her maid of honor. If you’ve been tasked with the planning of the bride-to-be’s bachelorette party and you don’t know where to begin, these tips will help you stay on track and ensure that they hold bridal party has a fantastic time.
Get Creative with the Party Theme
When you’re planning a bachelorette party, it’s important to remember that you’re planning someone else’s event, not your own. Don’t pick a theme that you think she should have – pick the one you know she’ll enjoy and remember for all the right reasons. For example, does she have a particular hobby or interest that’s separate from the norm, such as art, wine tasting or horse racing? Not everyone wants the classic bachelorette party of clubbing in sashes – find ways to incorporate what she enjoys the most, so you know she’ll have a great day.
Once you’ve decided on a theme she likes, it’s time to start decorating. You need to prepare the area for the party. Great decorating ideas would be creative blow-up inflatables or balloons. Decorating with fancy balloons and flowers might be a great idea for a bachelorette party, but you can make a more fascinating impression with a creative bouncy castle. You and your guests will be pleased by the choice of decoration.
Get the Guest List from the Bride Herself
Before you go inviting everyone your bride-to-be knows, make sure you get a list from her, so you know exactly who to invite and who to leave off the invitation list. You want the bride to be comfortable and be surrounded by the people she feels her best around, so you don’t want to accidentally invite someone she hasn’t spoken to in years which will cause tension and awkwardness.
Streamline Communication
It can be all too easy for communication to get out of hand when planning an event, with different avenues for different people and details getting lost in translation. It’s a much better idea to have everyone involved accessible in one location, such as a WhatsApp group, a Skype conversation or even just an email thread where everyone can stay in the loop about what’s going on and what needs to be paid when. That way, everyone is on the same page and you don’t have the added stress of checking five different platforms just to get an answer on one detail.
Be Sure to Distribute a Detailed Itinerary
Whether you’re planning a full weekend of events or just an evening, it helps everyone involved to know exactly what is happening and where they need to be. Even if you just keep it simple with times, dates and dress codes, it helps to keep the party organized and ensures that everyone turns up when they need to. It also helps those invited to plan ahead, such as for spending money for the things they know are going to be coming up, for example, if you decided to go to the races for a classy day out, you’d need to be prepared with racing guides for guests.
Don’t Forget to Leave Some Wiggle Room
Organizing a party is one thing, but you don’t want it to become so regimented that there’s no room for those extra unplanned moments that are often some of the most memorable. Don’t over-plan or under-plan the event – make sure the main features are in place but then let the fun happen organically. An open schedule will give everyone a chance to hang out, get to know one another and have fun.