How To Encourage Your Friend’s Success

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This post was sponsored by Nature Valley as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.


Witnessing your friend’s success is an exciting part of life. We love our friends and genuinely want them to be happy and achieve big things. Sometimes it can be tough if you feel stuck in your own life but those around you are moving forward. Or, if you have found success in life but your friends are struggling to catch up, it might be hard to support them without showing off.

If you are searching for a way to encourage your friend’s success, look no further! Nature Valley has partnered with Facebook to provide everyone with an easy way to send a message of support to someone you love. They believe in the power of emotional support in all of life’s moments—big and small. Remind your friend that no matter what challenge they face on their road to success, they are going to #BeGreatOutThere. Just like Nature Valley’s wholesome products provide you with energy, so too can your kind words can energize your friend. Visit Nature Valley’s Facebook page and submit a video to help foster your friend’s success. If you want some inspiration, watch this video:

Now that you’ve seen how cute these videos can be, submit one and remind your friend or family member that they will #BeGreatOutThere. If you want to learn about other ways to encourage your friend’s success, just keep reading!

1. Write Them a Note

A sweet note of encouragement from you to your friend will act as a tangible reminder that you know they will #BeGreatOutThere. About a year ago, I wrote my boyfriend a letter that he can read when he is stressed out. I can’t be there for him every minute when we both have classes and rehearsals cluttering up our schedules, but my letter can! It is very comforting to be able to pick up a note written by someone who cares about you and read their kind words whenever you need it. Writing a note works the same way as Nature Valley’s video project, except sometimes having that physical reminder makes it extra special.

boy friend's success
When you’re in a relationship, it’s important to support each other. Credit: Drew Meeker

2. Help Them Brainstorm

You can encourage your friend’s success by helping them dream big. Brainstorm with them when they’re searching for inspiration. When they’re working on a project, offer to provide feedback. Act as their sounding board as they work toward their goal, whatever it may be.

The most important thing when encouraging your friend’s success is to not be judgmental. A good friend knows how to provide constructive criticism without being negative. When you’re helping them with a project, you can absolutely tell them if you think they have a bad idea. Just make sure to be supportive at the same time.

your friend's success happens at the beach
Friends contemplate life together. Credit: Agnes Rey-Giraud

3. Be Their Pillar of Support

Do you know the song “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers? The chorus includes the lyrics, “Lean on me when you’re not strong; I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.” That’s exactly what you need to do if you want to encourage your friend’s success. Be their pillar of support: strong, loving, and constant. Carry part of their weight when they can’t bear it all alone.

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An important part of this is realizing when your friend needs you. Some people don’t feel comfortable asking for help because they interpret it as a sign of weakness. You know this person, though. You can sense when they need you by their side.

be a pillar of support for your friend's success
Two of my main pillars of support. Credit: Agnes Rey-Giraud

4. Be Present in the Moment

Whenever possible, be there for your friend during their big moments. That might be a graduation, presentation, game, or performance. Even if it’s not your thing, show up. It will mean a lot to your friend if you’re there to see them be successful. And actually, it will mean even more to them if they know you wouldn’t normally attend this kind of event. You are there for them.

Obviously, if it’s impossible for you to make it, they will understand. Maybe you could send a card congratulating them or arrange another time close to this event to see them.

friend's success at the naval academy
Supporting my BFF when she enrolled at the Naval Academy. Credit: Agnes Rey-Giraud

5. Celebrate Your Friend’s Success

After a big moment in your friend’s life, you need to celebrate! Set aside an evening to go out for dinner and drinks together or throw a party for them. This is their time to shine. Make it all about them by giving a toast or passing around a large card in which everyone can write their congratulations. Your friend will remember this moment forever.

celebrate your friend's success
Credit: Girija Hariprasad

And there you have it! One big thing to remember is that everyone gives and receives support differently. You know your friend best, and you will find a unique way to show that they will #BeGreatOutThere.

When you need an extra energy boost to get through life’s struggles, you can use this coupon to get a discount on Nature Valley products!

How do you show your friends that you support them? Tell Miss Millennia about it in the comments.

This post was sponsored by Nature Valley as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

Resources: Nature Valley’s Facebook, Nature Valley’s Website, SheKnows, WikiHow


How To Encourage Your Friend's Success



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