10 Reasons Why My 2017 Will Be Better
So I keep seeing a lot of posts circulating about all the reason’s why 2016 was such a bad year. While I do not disagree, to an extent with this sentiment, I always think it’s a better idea to focus on the positive as opposed to the negative. Instead of looking at why 2016 was so horrible, let’s look at why 2017 will be great!
My 2016 wasn’t so bad, actually. I got engaged, hit my fitness goal, and started a new business to name a few things. But, I have no doubt that 2017 will be even better than 2016. Let me count all the ways.
This post was sponsored by AT-A-GLANCE as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
1. 7 is a much better number than 6
I’m just going to put this out there, I knew 2016 was going to be weird, it is a year with a 6 and all. I’m not big on superstition or anything, but 7 is my favorite number and my luckiest. I was born on the 7th, so it’s the most fortunate number in my book. Just this small fact is reasoning enough for me to do better in 2017.
2. I’m Older and Wiser Now
I will be turning 30 in 2017! What! But yeah getting a year older has to make you wiser, right? As long as you are actively working to improve yourself, I say yes. So yeah cheers to getting older in 2017. Woohoo!
3. I will be More Organized
I read so many organizational books in a given year, but the same thing rings true for each one I read; you need to set up systems for yourself and have a tool to help you do that. For me, it’s as simple as having a planner. I LOVE the AT-A-GLANCE planners since they are the perfect tool I need to get the year off to a great start. They have monthly and weekly planners and even sections for events and future planning. If you do not have your planner for 2017 already, get it here!
4. It’s not an election year
I don’t think I need to elaborate more here…????
5. I’ll be getting married!
2016 was not all bad. I got engaged this year! Yippee! Which means I’ll be getting married in 2017. Talk about having something cool to look forward to in the new year.
6. I’m going to Be More Thoughtful
In 2016, I was dedicated to getting my grind on. I started a new venture with my fiance’ called El Gato Malo and we’ve been hustling ever since. But I think 2017 I will dedicate more time to being more thoughtful to all those I may have neglected in my hustle year. I’ll do better in 2017 ya’ll!
7. I’m Going to Stay Healthy
In case you missed it, I hit my 2016 goal to run 12 5ks in a year! Woohoo! A full detailed post is coming soon on that. But I want to keep up the healthy in 2017 and hit my goal this year just makes me want to hit an even bigger fitness goal next year.
8. I’m Going to Be More Focused
I was involved in a lot of different things in 2016. Now it’s time for me to get a little more focused. My AT-A-GLANCE planner should really help me get in line with turning goals into tasks and setting time frames for when those tasks will be completed. And I will focus on each task one at a time, no multi-tasking!
9. I’m going to set a bigger and better goal than last year
I set the goal to start two businesses and run 12 5ks this year. I launched one business and hit my 5k goal. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad, but I can do better. I have not yet finalized what my goals for 2017 are going to be yet, but I do intend on stretching myself and setting one that seems achievable but is also a little scary at the same time (like the ones I chose for 2016 were.) Keep an eye out for what those will be in a future post.
10. I’m Going to Make it a Good Year
Lastly, 2017 is going to be a good year because, dammit I am going to make it a good one! I refuse to go into the new year with hate and anger in my heart. The only way to properly make it into the new year is with positivity and good intention. I am going to make a point to do better, be better and bring as many people with me on my journey to a better life and self. It’s going to be a good year for me because I will not have it any other way.
I am going into the new year with a happy mindset, and I think you should do the same! What are some of your affirmations for the new year? Let me know in the comments.
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This post was sponsored by AT-A-GLANCE as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.