3 Simple Tips to Becoming the Cool Mom

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As many millennials are now having children, you may be wondering how you can adequately raise a child without losing your own identity. This could include trying to differ from the behaviors and styles that you saw in your own childhood.

If you want to be viewed as a cool mom, you may want to think about the different aspects of parenting styles. And even whether it is always appropriate to be seen as such.

Give Great Gifts

Giving the best gifts can make any child believe that you're the cool mom for sure

One of the initial ways you could be seen as cooler than your child’s friend’s parents can be through the gifts and luxuries that you allow your child to have. You could do this by simply asking them about what they would like, or looking at a list of gifts for girls around your daughter’s age to figure out what is currently trending.

However, you may also want to draw the line at some things. Allowing your child to have some cool items may not be a problem, yet it can also be healthy for them to hear ‘no’ every once in a while. In addition to this, you might also want to think about whether the gift is age-appropriate before making that decision.

Stay Open & Honest

Being open and honest with your children is one of the major ways to be a cool mom

Although you may be a parent that doesn’t mean that you can’t also be a friend to your child. Well, when the situation allows.

Some children may not want to open up to their parents about certain issues. This can include topics like bullying, health worries, or even discussions about sex. Mostly because of embarrassment or fear of being told off.

You might be able to continue being a cool mom simply by keeping communication open with your child. While also being free of judgment. There may be times when you do still need to act on what you hear. Mostly to help keep your child safe. However, reassuring your child that they can always talk to you, can help them to feel secure.

The clothing you choose could also make a big difference to how others, including your children, perceive you. They could also have quite a large effect on how you view yourself.

Being a cool mom is a lot easier when your fashion savvy

It can be tempting to keep turning to the same comfy set of clothes each day. But this may turn you into the frumpy mom you are trying to avoid becoming. There are ways that you can turn casual clothing, such as your favorite joggers, into a more stylish ensemble. While women of the past suffered to look good, there is no reason why you should need to be uncomfortable.

By keeping on top of fashions, and making sure that you opt for positive parenting choices, you may be able to feel trendier. This could not only help you to still feel young and cool. But it can also be seen as more of a role model in the eyes of your children.

Although this is a shortlist, there are still plenty of ways to still be a cool mom. Leave us some of your own hints and tips for new parents in the comments below!

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