Surviving Family Vacations: An Adult’s Guide
There comes a time in every woman’s life where she realizes that family trips to the timeshare in the wilderness of South Dakota are no longer the mysterious and exciting getaways that they once were. As we get older, our definitions of fun transform and expand.
Though this can open us up to new opportunities, it also makes us question our old joys, like family vacations. Sweltering days in the kiddie pool are no longer appealing, but don’t think that a week away with the family is something to dread; you’ll probably cherish the memories you make. Here are some tips to help you make memories that you’ll fondly remember without enduring twelve different types of Cirque de Soleil.
1. Enjoy it for What it Is
If you’re hoping for spring break with body shots and David Beckham lookalikes, of course, you’ll be disappointed with a low-key escape. Focus on the activities you’ll be doing at the location (in reality). Maybe you’ll get to go zip lining for the first time, not something you’d necessarily do on a bachelorette getaway, but something you’re totally psyched to do! And who better to do it with than the people that will cheer you on the most?
2. Compromise on Activities
Your little cousin may love circus day at the Kidz Klub (disclaimer: not a real place), but that doesn’t mean you have to stay there the entire day. If you must sit through those less-than-desirable happenings, propose a trip to that place with the light-up sushi bar for dinner: 10 points if they have a kids menu for the little cousins.
3. Try a New Activity
When you’re with the people you see every day, you can’t be blamed for feeling a little boredom at times. Keep it interesting with new things! Your adrenaline will be pumping and you’ll have no time to complain between screams on the aforementioned zip lining experience (can you tell I want to go zip lining?).
4. Don’t Do Everything
Have a talk with the fam pre-travel to discuss the expendable items on the itinerary. Everyone might be feeling pressured to do certain activities just for the sake of doing things, but eliminating trips that are a waste of time and money will save room for something better. Exhausting yourselves with things no one actually wants to do will only create tension and aggravation.
5. Remember Why You’re There
Your sister’s gone to college across the country, your brother’s been working in Hong Kong for the past three years, and your parents are dying to see you all together. Everyone is spread out all over the place, and you’ve been so busy making your own way that you haven’t stopped for long enough to realize that it’s been a while since you’ve really spent some time with your family. Try to keep a positive attitude and refer to step #1.
So don’t tolerate family vacations, enjoy them. You’re so busy being the woman that wants it all, that you may only have a little bit of time to be carefree with your true best friends: your family. Don’t waste that time being bitter that you aren’t in Cabo with your sorority sisters. They’re probably throwing up anyway.