Prolonging the Summer with the Ice Cool Trend

Despite the weather doing its best to put us off, we’re all desperately holding on to the last month of summer. If you’re reluctant to admit defeat, there’s a new interior trend that may just help you to stretch those summer loving days just a little bit further. Think of ice cream pastels, bold prints and adorning your walls with everything that reminds you of the sunniest time of year.

The “ice cool” trend is here to evoke memories of summers gone by and prolong that care-free feeling of everyone’s favourite season.

Pastel shades are a great option for those a little bit hesitant in using bright colours in the home. Go all out with pinks, blues and mint green without inducing a headache. Lighter walls instantly perk up the mood in your room, letting the natural light stream in and bounce around the room. You’ll immediately notice the difference with lighter walls as your room will suddenly feel a little bigger.


Toned down colours allow you to experiment with creative patterns instead. A kitsch cupcake motif would look perfect in the kitchen or perhaps even a dining area or nursery. A childlike motif that presents a playful alternative to traditional wallpaper, such designs are easily paired with pastel or neutral soft furnishings.

For the more adventurous, bright motifs popping out from darker base colours make an attractive alternative. If you’re looking for something a little more eye-catching and exotic, this fun flamingo print from Graham & Brown may be the perfect summer wallpaper for you.


couch in a living room
Photo Credit: Matthieu Nicolet

This seasonal print features bold patterns and an equally bold colour pallet, making it perfect for a feature wall in any communal area. Lavender leaves and vibrant pink birds layered over a deep purple base colour create an interesting 3D effect. Cast your mind back to previous holidays, because with an interior like this, you’ll almost believe you’re back in a foreign land, sipping tropical cocktails by the beach, bliss!

For an interior design like this, it is recommended that you choose your soft furnishings strategically, as any clashing colours could be distracting. Pick the brightest colour from the wallpaper and find furnishings that have slight accents of the same colour. It could be the zips on cushions or the stitching on throws and rugs; subtle hints complement the walls and tie the look together.


Wall art can also have a complementary effect on your walls. For the ice cool trend, you should be keeping an eye out for quirky illustrations or feminine-themed photography. Canvas-mounted images are an easy choice, but framed art can also offer a touch of sophistication.

Natural images of animals and floral patterns bring us back to the summer season, giving us a welcome respite from the fast approaching autumn days. These delicate designs add a certain playful charm to your walls and may even become a conversation starter for guests.

decorative room
Photo Credit: Eva Grey

When featuring art on your walls, it is often easy to make them look a little over crowded. It’s a tough choice sorting through artwork and family photos to decide which ones will make the cut. However, always keep the trend in mind and choose images by colour and quality to refrain from putting too many up. Bold prints tend to work best when displaying artwork, as smaller repetitive patterns may be too distracting and create a cluttered look.

This playful trend is sure to bring out your inner child. We’ll shortly be on the countdown to Christmas, but we can still revel in the delights of summer as we immerse ourselves in the ice cool trend.


personal experience

Prolonging the Summer with the Ice Cool Trend



  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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