15 Ways To Make the New Year A Perfect 10

So, another New Year’s Eve has come. You have a resolution or two. Well, how about fifteen? Here are lots of ways to have a great new year.

Strive to do as many as you can over the year, month, or even every day. Make this year your best year ever by incorporating these ideas.

1. Eat right.

Food is fuel meant to energize your body. Don’t poison yourself with unhealthy choices. Say goodbye to the evils of fat, salt and sugar.

2. Exercise.

Find ways to move all day but allow yourself at least 20 minutes every day to work out. If the weather is nice, get outside. If not, go online and find a workout video.

3. Be quiet. Meditate.

Dedicate at least 10 minutes each day to sit in stillness. Work your way up to 20 or even 30 minutes if you can. Empty your mind and breathe.

4. Give thanks.

Say it, write it down or realize it in your head. Make an accounting every day of what you are lucky enough to have. Really appreciate it.

5. Contact friends and family.

These are relationships and they take work. Pick up the phone, get on Facebook or send an email but reach out and touch someone you care about.

6. Do something special for your partner.

Go out of your way to make sure they know how special they are. A kiss, a word or a little note somewhere will do the trick.

7. Do something nice for a stranger.

Hold a door open, compliment them, ask if they need help. A simple smile also goes a long way. Find some way to brighten their day.

8. Take your medications.

Don’t neglect yourself. If your doctor has recommended medications, follow their directions. It’s for your own good.

9. Volunteer.

Animals and people always need help. Certainly, there are countless organizations right in your area. Give of yourself and see how much you get in return.

10. Pet your pet.

Take a minute and give that furry friend a scratch behind the ears. If you don’t have a pet, take the time to interact with one you pass along your way.

11. Play a game.

Keep your mind sharp by doing puzzles or playing a board or card game that really requires you to think and problem solve. Use it or lose it.

12. Be productive.

Make a list of projects and have loose deadlines. Mark something off of your to-do list. It’s so satisfying to see those lists dwindle.

13. Go the extra mile at work.

Don’t just get through your day. Do a great job and have fun. Enjoy the good things about your clients and co-workers.

14. Make a donation.

Even a small amount of money to a good charity will add up. Donate old clothes or household items. You’ll help yourself while helping others.

15. Laugh.

Make jokes, read or watch comedy. Put yourself in positive, uplifting and funny situations. Nothing feels better than laughing out loud.

So, how many do you think you can handle? Just pick one or two to get started and get moving toward a great new year. Good luck with you resolutions, whatever they may be!


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