5 Unique Online Side Hustles You Can Start Today

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5 Unique Online Side Hustles You Can Start Today

With the unemployment rate continuing to rise and many Americans still out of a job, picking up unique side hustles has been a way for many to stay afloat.

Side hustles offer financial freedom and are convenient with flexible hours and remote working options. Are you looking for a side gig that can get you extra cash from the comfort of your home? You may want to consider these online side hustles.

Additionally, having a reliable internet connection like HyperFiber is crucial to ensure seamless productivity and connectivity while pursuing your online ventures

1. Create online courses

Suppose you have a math degree, love the English language, or know several science-related topics. In that case, you can consider developing online courses!

Creating an online course is a great way to educate others while monetizing your knowledge of a subject. Platforms such as Udemy make it easy to create and upload your online courses for free or at a small price. Once your online system is available, you can make passive income as people purchase your course. 


Udemy: I LOVE LOVE LOVE Udemy! Right, when I was getting into my fresh out of college learning rut, I discovered Udemy, and we've been inseparable ever since. I've taken online courses on everything from driving traffic to my blog, eating healthier to starting a new business altogether. I do pay for courses now, but back in the day, all I did was free courses that added so much value to my life on a regular basis. Check out this article I wrote called 6 Udemy Courses that will teach you how to make money online.

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Get started with Udemy today!

2. Become a website tester

Did you know you can earn an average of $100 monthly by testing websites? That’s right!

Once a website is created, it needs to be tested to be regarded as fully operational before it is made available to its audience. As a website user tester, you can explore these new websites and give their owners feedback.

Sites such as UserTesting.com have listings of websites where you can offer your services.

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3. Do data entry

A data entry job involves inputting essential data into a company’s database. If you are a typist with excellent organizational skills and a good eye for detail, you should consider taking up a data entry position.

You can find several data entry job opportunities on your preferred online job market, such as Indeed or Monster.

4. Become a freelance proofreader

Proofreading is a great side job for anyone who enjoys reading and is thorough and detail-oriented.

Freelance proofreaders edit documents before they are published. Therefore, you would need to have high grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills for this role. There are several short yet practical proofreading courses you can take online to help you improve and maximize the skills needed to be successful as a freelance proofreader.

As you proofread, even if your grammar is impeccable, you should use Grammarly.


Grammarly: Grammarly is a nifty little tool that checks your grammar while you type. It's a Chrome extension right in my browser so I use it when I write a blog post, emails and even when creating messages on Facebook. If you are working on your resume or work a job where you send emails regularly, I would highly suggest Grammarly. The best part is that they do have a free version, but I have the paid version since it lets me know better words I can use and fix some complicated grammatical errors as well. It's pretty cool!

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no cost to you.

Download Grammarly today!

5. Start a YouTube channel

If you have great stories, an interest in creating product reviews, or a skill you would like to share with others, you should consider making a YouTube channel.

Vlogging is just like blogging, with the difference being that vlogs are video content while blogs are written content. With a significant amount of traffic, you can earn money through your channel.

Another way to make money through YouTube is through sponsored videos, paid reviews, or sponsored giveaways.

Learn more about this way to earn extra money by watching the video below:

Then read our article 6 Things You Need To Start A YouTube Channel!

Other Ideas

If you want other ideas for unique side hustles, consider these options, too!

Need more inspo? Read these articles!

Starting a side hustle is a great way to earn extra money from your hobbies and skills in your free time. These five online side gig ideas allow you to make money at a relaxed pace. 

5 Unique Online Side Hustles You Can Start Today

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