How a Lenovo Speaker Changed my Life



If you’ve recently become a wife like I have, you probably have your life scheduled down to the minute. If you’re like me, you have it all written down on a little planner you keep in your purse. Tuesdays are laundry and wash-the-dog-day. Thursdays are grocery shopping days. And Sundays are deep clean the house days. And I dread Sundays. Not only do I hate cleaning, but I receive a lot of calls from work that day, and continuously removing my yellow rubber gloves to answer it and put it on speaker is just too much (lamest excuse ever, I know, but I really hate cleaning). Now I love music just as much as the next person. And I listen to music when I get ready or when I take a shower. But when I clean, I really want to blast the music and sing terribly at the top of my lungs. But my phone doesn’t get loud enough, and playing music on the TV worries me because it’s mounted on the wall and I don’t want my neighbors to be annoyed. So cleaning rarely happened until I discovered the Lenovo™ 500 Bluetooth® Speaker.

Lenovo™ 500 Bluetooth® Speaker can easily be unplugged and used in the dining room.
Lenovo™ 500 Bluetooth® Speaker can easily be unplugged and used in the dining room.

The speaker itself is sleek and modern. I can set it anywhere in my living room and it will look like it belongs there. And for a tiny speaker, it packs a punch! The sound quality is amazing and I can hear it from anywhere in the house. But I like to have the music right in my ear. I can have the speaker downstairs with me dusting, and easily take it with me upstairs to clean the bathroom.

The Rubber gloves are on and I’m sweating from all the dancing and scrubbing. And the speaker starts playing my work ringtone. I can answer the call, but I don’t have to have the be near the phone to talk into it. Inside the speaker is a microphone. Seriously. A microphone. I can talk into my speaker and the caller can hear me clearly. How cool is that?

Lenovo™ 500 Bluetooth® Speaker can’t be noticed in my bookcase.

The Bluetooth itself has a great range. My cell could be plugged downstairs while the speaker is upstairs and there won’t be any lagging, buffering or delays. There’s nothing more frustrating than belting out a high note that suddenly goes silent. The world doesn’t need to hear that. I can even take the speaker to the car while I’m vacuuming the seats (the car doesn’t have a fancy Bluetooth built in like all these new fancy ones).

Lenovo™ 500 Bluetooth® Speaker is so portable, I can take it with me anywhere.

Now you have the opportunity to win your own Lenovo Bluetooth speaker and have it change your life. What are you waiting for? This could be yours! Enter to win Your Very Own Lenovo BlueTooth Speaker

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.



  • Daniella Gudino

    One day I hope to be a world renown novelist with my books made into movies! For now my goal is to keep sane through work, interns, and becoming somebody's wife. I always work hard and I strive for happiness and balance.

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