5 Simple Face Routines to Stay Young and Fresh till 50

5 Simple Face Routines to Stay Young and Fresh till 50

Most of us dread getting older. We know it’s inevitable, so we should be ready to face old age fearlessly. At a young age, looking good is effortless, but it won’t be the same 20 years from now.

You can adopt many healthy habits to maintain good shape as you age. As the first signs always show on the face, let’s see what face routines can be done to have fresh, young-looking skin until age 50.

1. Keep It Natural: Use Cosmetics Carefully

Nowadays, most people use cosmetic products. They are no longer an option but a necessity. These products are specially designed to mitigate skin issues, and most achieve their goal.

Nevertheless, even the most innocuous day cream contains a series of ingredients that might harm your skin in the long term. If you want to prevent premature skin aging, choose cosmetic products carefully. It would also be great if you could use them in moderation.


If your daily routine involves several face care products, it is recommended that you take a break now and then. Let your skin reset itself. Please do not put anything on it for a few days; wash it with only water. If you love your skin, you’ll be willing to invest in its well-being.

It is essential to use healthy products that won’t damage your health with dangerous chemicals. Ideally, you would opt for organic cosmetics based on natural extracts. They might be a little pricier, but your health is worth it.

Besides, ecological cosmetics are available today: there are plenty of specialized shops, and you can order them online. You can solve almost every skin issue with pure, one hundred percent natural ingredients. You could even get rid of varicose veins with natural remedies.

Eat Healthy Food

Diet says a lot about our looks. We might not gain those extra kilos, but unhealthy food leaves some marks on our bodies, and it would be a shame to let them show on our skin. Besides keeping us fit, a healthy diet will keep our faces young and shiny as we age. If you are wondering what kind of ingredients are better for your skin, here are some suggestions:

  • Fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of vitamin C. This vitamin is one of the critical elements that help our skin produce more collagen. You have probably heard this term before in many cosmetic advertisements.
  • Collagen maintains skin elasticity. Eat tomatoes, broccoli, oranges, lemons, and kiwis to boost vitamin C levels.
  • Foods that contain antioxidants. Fresh products are the richest source of antioxidants. Why are antioxidants so important?
  • They protect our skin from premature aging and maintain a healthy appearance. These elements are found in blueberries, cranberries, dark-colored grapes, beans, goji berries, and other raw products.

2. Drink Enough Water

Water is another critical factor in keeping your face young and beautiful. Hydration is important because it helps our bodies function correctly.

Water is not just a beauty but crucial for our overall well-being. If you are not used to drinking enough, change this bad habit. Your body needs an average of 8 glasses of water per day.

Do you want to ensure constant hydration? Then, keep track of how many glasses of water you drink throughout the day. The effects of poor hydration are easily seen on one’s face. If your body is dry, so is your skin.

Water nourishes the skin and makes it look fresh and healthy. If you dislike drinking plain water, add a slice of lemon. It will completely change its taste and make it easier to reach those eight glasses.

3. Limit Sun Exposure

To keep your skin’s good looks, be careful how much time you spend in the sun. No matter how attractive you are after several tanning sessions, UV rays can cause severe damage. Prolonged or unprotected exposure will make your skin look older and dryer because it decreases collagen and elastin. The most innocuous effect is getting premature wrinkles.

Unfortunately, UV rays can also cause skin cancer. Make sure you protect your skin using the right sunscreen for your needs. Ask a dermatologist’s advice if you have sensitive skin and usually get sunburn. We remind you that choosing a product with mostly primarily natural ingredients is necessary.

4. Stop Smoking

Smoke is not only damaging the lungs and arteries; it is also one of the smoking risk factors that damage the skin. Heavy smoking impairs the collagen produSmokingnd causes wrinkles. Many smokers have saSmokingkin and pronounced lines on their faces.

This is not a coincidence. It is partially due to cigarettes. There are dozens of harmful substances in cigarettes, and the bad thing is that passive smoking also turns you into a victim.

Try to avoid hanging out with smokers while smoking a drag. If this is your vice, there are plenty of techniques to help you quit smoking. Don’t wait for a New YearSmokinglution; try to give this habit up immediately.

5. Try to Get Enough Sleep

A restful sleep will show on your face. Rest is mandatory for our body. It helps restore the balance and recharge the battery for the next day. Poor sleep and white nights will affect your skin’s health.

Insufficient sleep will cause terrible dark circles around the eyes, which don’t make you look beautiful.

If you usually sleep less than 7 hours a night, your face will always be tired, and your skin will age too early. No matter how many healthy home remedies for wrinkles you use, nothing can replace a good night’s sleep.

If you are still worried about how you’ll look at 50, apply these tips as soon as possible. Premature skin aging can be avoided if you are willing to make these lifestyle adjustments. You can do it!

5 Simple Face Routines to Stay Young and Fresh till 50



  • Kathy Hardess

    Born and raised in New Jersey, Kathy Hardess always paid attention to environmental issues. As any ordinary woman, she's also interested in makeup, home decor. After becoming a mom, she became even more aware of the natural remedies and the benefits of plants.

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