Women’s Appreciation Series Presents Scarlet Paolicchi

Scarlet Paolicchi Miss Millennia Magazine interview
Scarlet Paolicchi

Scarlet Paolicchi, owner of Family Focus Blog started out as a retail manager, then a stay at home mom. As a stay-at-home mom, Scarlet did what a lot mothers today do – work their jobs from home. She found blogging as an avenue to express her creativity and turned it into a career. See her interview below:

Miss Millennia Magazine (MMM): How hard was it to start your own business/blog?

Scarlet Paolicchi (SP): There is a quote that I think speaks to this.  “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The scariest part is sometimes just beginning and believing that you can do it.  When the idea occurred to me, I decided that same day that I would pursue it.  The next day, I started and then I learned as I went.

MMM: How do you want your blog to affect others?

SP: I want Family Focus Blog to be, primarily, a resource for for parents.  It has all sorts of topics, from parenting, to recipes, to crafts and I want people to enjoy reading the articles and feeling like there is someone else going through that stage of child-rearing with them.  I also love that Family Focus Blog is a great place for small businesses to be able to showcase their family friendly products and for my readers to get exposure to great new products that will be useful to them.

MMM: Did you ever have any doubts about what you were doing (starting a blog)? Did you struggle?

SP: Of course!  I thought, “will anyone actually read this?  Will I ever hit 1000 facebook followers?”, still,  I have doubts but I do my best to banish them by working to show myself that I can do it and that I can keep reaching my own higher and higher goals for readership.

MMM: Who has impacted you the most in your career choice and how?

SP: A friend of mine had a small blog and she actually gave me the idea that it was possible to create your own blog so she was an immense help. Of course my kids are the ones that drove this career choice because I wanted to find something I could do from home around their schedule.  And then there are all of the inspiring bloggers that I have met along the way that are so awesome and keep inspiring me to raise the bar!

MMM: What advice can you give women who want to start their own business/blog?

SP: It is totally possible but it will require commitment.  You can’t expect immediate results.  It takes time to build a following.  Get your own domain, get on wordpress, get on social media, and keep your eyes open to always increase your learning.  Choose your blog name carefully and consider SEO when creating your posts.  Find some peers that will help you learn and grow and share and make sure you offer that back to them.

MMM: What has being your own boss taught you?

SP: I love it. I have always been a self-motivated individual so that part comes naturally.  There is a lot to teach myself though and so much is ever-changing in the online world so you have to be adaptable and keep your eyes open for what is working and build on your successes.  The hard part for me is knowing how and when and at what level to set my goals. I want to reach high but not get discouraged!  I have had to become good at self-evaluation!

MMM: If you had the opportunity, what would you say to your younger self?

SP: I’d pat myself on the back for always doing the best I can do!

MMM: What’s the hardest part of being a mom?

SP: Balancing being a mom and a wife and my own person can sometimes be hard.  I want to be able to fufill all my roles without selling anyone short!

MMM: There’s really no way to prepare a woman for motherhood, but if you had to tell a new mom one thing that could help them, what would it be?

SP: Trust your gut.  And really, I find that is great advice in every area of life.  But as a mom, I know I have to be comfortable with my decisions.  There are 100 opinions on every parenting aspect but you have to live with it, so think about what works best for your family to keep you all happy and healthy, and then feel good about the choices you make.  When you need advice, seek a few sources and see how they feel to you.

MMM: Finally, what do you think the key to success is?

SP: The key to success is hard work and dedication that won’t let you get discouraged.  Believe you can do it and keep plugging away at your goals.

Want to learn more about Scarlet? She enjoys being connected and social. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, or her website, the Family Focus Blog!

Scarlet Paolicchi


  • Alexandra Simon

    Alexandra has been an active writer since 2011. She's mostly worked as a reporter in the past, covering local news and crime for her college project NYCityWatch, worked in digital and social media at Miss Millennia Magazine, and wrote hyperlocal news for two weekly newspapers in New York City: Brooklyn Paper and Caribbean Life. She's written a wide range of different stories, and enjoys researching and learning about new topics.

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