Author: Alexandra Simon

Alexandra has been an active writer since 2011. She's mostly worked as a reporter in the past, covering local news and crime for her college project NYCityWatch, worked in digital and social media at Miss Millennia Magazine, and wrote hyperlocal news for two weekly newspapers in New York City: Brooklyn Paper and Caribbean Life. She's written a wide range of different stories, and enjoys researching and learning about new topics.
black history black people

Films to Watch for Black History Month

Black history month is near. In February we celebrate black achievements and commemorate important events. It’s also the time we learn about historical events we may not have known about….

new bra shopping

When is it Time to get a New Bra?

Bras keep many of us sane, and if you’re a daily bra wearer, then you know how important this vital undergarment is. All women with breasts are not wearing bras of course,…

minimum wage money

How to Survive with a Minimum Wage Salary

Minimum wage gets millions of Americans by on the lowest salary lawful per state. But just because it is legal and lawful, doesn’t mean people actually get by easily. Because…