The Pros and Cons of Freelance Writing

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the pros and cons of freelance writing

When I first decided to do freelance writing full time, I could only see the positive aspects of it. After writing for several months full time, I saw how difficult this career choice really was. There is more to freelance writing than what meets the eye, but overall it is a great career choice. Here I describe the pros and cons of freelance writing.


  •  Flexibility

This is probably the best part of freelance writing. You can choose to work at night or during the day. You can make your own hours and take off however many days you would like.

  • Make as much money as you are willing to work for

Freelance writing means that you can make as much money as you work. Because there are no limits to how much money you can make on sites such as the Yahoo Contributor Network, how much you write determines how much money you make.

  • Share knowledge

A writer does just as much researching as she does writing, and the best part about this is that she gets to share it all in her work. If you are looking for a job that is fulfilling, then freelance writing definitely has a purpose.


  •  Have to practice discipline

One of the challenges of freelance writing is that you must be extremely disciplined. To make a profitable amount of money, an online freelance writer should write somewhere between eight and twenty articles a day.

  •  Paid only once or twice a month

Because a writer is only paid once or twice a month, he or she must be sure to write enough before the payday deadline. Although a writer has more flexibility, he or she are always following deadlines in order to be paid on time. Because writers are usually paid once or twice, a great deal of planning is required to determine how many articles they have to write to make ends meet.

  • Requires lots of thought

Unlike many jobs in which you practice simple tasks all day, writing requires one to use much brain energy every single day. Be prepared to feel drained in a way that no aerobic exercise could ever fulfill. There is a lot of work involved in writing.

Writing does have its perks, but it also has its downfalls. It all depends on what your preferences are for your work environment. If these preferences seem okay for you, then go for it! Once you adjust to freelance writing, it could be a great and fun way to earn a living. Good luck!

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If you're good at writing and like it enough, you could earn a pretty easy living! Learn the pros and cons of Freelance Writing.

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