Perform #LikeaGirl: Meet Ashley Roberts from the Pussycat Dolls

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[clickToTweet tweet=”‘Surround yourself with supportive, driven, and loving people.’ @ImAshleyRoberts #missmillmag” quote=”‘Surround yourself with supportive, driven, and loving people.’ -Ashley Roberts”]

You might know Ashley Roberts from her time performing with the PussyCat Dolls or from her gig as host of NBC’s show 1st Look. But there’s so much more to learn about her! Read on to learn what advice she has for other women and where her love of traveling comes from.

1. Hi, Ashley! Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am from Phoenix, AZ. Grew up in a liberal, open-minded household. Father was a musician and mother was into fitness. I got a mix of both. Got to perform around the world in the PussyCat Dolls and also an adventurous soul. I’ve hiked Machu Pichu, swam with sharks, lived in a jungle, and lived in London for four years. And now starting my own shoe brand, ALLYN.

2. What’s your favorite memory from your time performing with the PussyCat Dolls?

That’s a hard question! One of my faves was when people really started to recognize our songs. I remember being on stage in Florida and looking out to a packed audience and they were all singing along. I thought, “wow,” this is so cool.

3. I’m sure it took a lot of hard work to reach the point at which you were performing with such a well-known group. What was your biggest artistic obstacle and how did you overcome it?

Within the Dolls? It was to know my own voice. Performing with the Dolls was an amazing experience, but we had to live up to the vision of the label. And over time I felt I lost my own artistic voice.

4. One of the wonderful things about girl groups is all of the powerful energy they bring to the lives of women. What advice do you have for other Millennial women looking to empower themselves?

Do what makes you happy. Wear things that make you feel empowered. Surround yourself with supportive, driven, and loving people. But the real job is within: Loving thyself!!

5. In 2016, you started a new project as host of 1st Look, a show that showcases travel destinations in the US. Where did your love of travel originate?

 Since I was a little girl, I would wish to have a life of traveling. I have a gypsy soul. I love seeing and experiencing new cultures. Making life an adventure is my goal.

[clickToTweet tweet=”‘Making life an adventure is my goal.’ @ImAshleyRoberts #missmillmag” quote=”‘Making life an adventure is my goal.’ -Ashley Roberts”]

 6. Where’s your favorite travel destination?

Again, so hard to answer. The first place that comes to mind is the south of France. There’s something special about that area. Just feels so historic and glamorous.

7. What’s one thing that not many people know about you?

That I’m horrible in the kitchen! I’m hoping that kicks in when I have a family someday.

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8. What is something that you want to do but haven’t tried yet?

 I want to swim in the caves in Belize. Heard it’s amazing!!

Thank you for your time, Ashley!

You can visit Ashley Roberts’s website or connect with her on social media. She has Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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