A Fun Way To Keep Close With Old Friends

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Long distance friendships are hard. A lot of people say that long distance relationships suck, but I think missing my best friends from college is the worst. There have always been phone calls, text messages, and when we are lucky, we manage to scrape together a few bucks to travel to see each other once a year for a birthday. Why isn’t there an easy app to stay in touch with friends easily? Well, now we have one!

Welcome To The Picpal App


Picpal is an awesome app for long-distance besties. Thanks to this nifty app, you and your friends can all be in a collage together no matter how far you live from one another. Picpal takes all of the best moments in your lives and allows you to share them in an awesome picture collage! And of course, you can add as many filters and doodles onto all of the pictures or none.

It’s Easy To Share

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All of your beautiful collages can easily be shared through all of your favorite social media sites, so all of your other friends can see! It is so easy to upload your new pictures to these because everything is directly connected to each so everything that you do is easy and streamlined.

On the Picpal app itself, you can spread the love of different pictures and collages. It is super easy to “heart” and comment on all of your friend’s pictures.

I love trying out new apps and having a whole new way of connecting with my college friends. The great thing about this app is that it is possible to use it on both the iPhone and the Android! So no matter if your friends are an Apple die hard (like myself) or love Android instead, you can use this app together. It is super fun and easy to use…anyone could figure it out. I’ve already started!




Picpal iTunes App Store

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Picpal on Google Play

**This is a sponsored post on behalf of Picpal. All opinions are 100% my own.**

A Fun Way To Keep Close With Old Friends

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