5 Tips on Creating a Successful Fashion Portfolio

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Fashion Sketch
Image Source: freedigitalphotos.net

If you want to enter into the fashion designing industry, a fashion portfolio is an absolute must. Your employer is far more interested in your practical use of knowledge rather than your credentials, especially in creative industries, and the fashion industry is no exception. Presenting a clean and well-thought out fashion portfolio can practically double your chances of getting selected for a job that you may have applied for. It goes without saying that if you are talented enough, you are bound to secure a place in this lucrative and rewarding career path. This can prove to be a blessing, especially when you opt for the morgan drexen debt settlement after the various loans you’ve had to take out for schooling. However, before you build castles in the air you need to ensure that your portfolio reflects you and your personality while still being a thorough compilation of only your best works. This list of nifty tips will ensure that you take your career in fashion design to the next level by presenting a fashion portfolio that will give employers the confidence to hire you.

1.)  Presentation matters:

Your work may be of exceptional quality however, if you fail to present it in an aesthetic manner, chances are employers will hardly feel the need to pay much attention to the content that lies inside; no matter how attractive it may be. Therefore, using the perfect holder for your artworks is important.

A presentation binder always does the trick. However, if you wish to break away from this conventional method of presentation, you can have a CD burned with all of your presentation details. Another option is a blog; blogging has become a favorite internet activity for many people, and therefore, you can upload your creations onto your blog. The response that you get from this is also likely to have an immense influence on your employer’s mind. To say the least; they may very well be impressed if you’ve received positive feedback from your readers.

If you can blend both digital and hard copies of your work, there can be nothing like it.

2.)  Sketches are Important:

While you may have selected you best works for your portfolio, you may forget a key aspect when presenting your work – your sketches. These sketches are the seeds that lead to a final design, and giving an insight to your employers into what your initial thoughts were, in terms of the sketch, is always a positive.

3.)  Quality photographs Can Take Designs to the Next Level:

Your job as an interviewee is to convince the employer that you have what it takes to be a good fashion designer. Therefore, if you have worked on a garment, you need to make sure that the beauty and uniqueness of that garment is reflected in your photographs. You could hire a professional photographer if you’re not confident in your own skills. Perhaps, you could look for a photographer who is also on the lookout for a portfolio. This will ensure mutual services for each other.

4.)  Fabric Swatches:

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If you haven’t managed to get good photo shots, you could consider getting fabric swatches for the designs that you have made. Your use of fabrics will give the employer an idea as to whether or not you are current with the fashion trends.

5.)  Avoid the clutter:

Cutting down on the clutter and including only those works of art that you believe are a notch above the others should be included, no more than 4-5. This will help pay off that morgan drexen debt settlement. So make sure you put your best foot forward and get the job.

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