5 Amazing Benefits of Alternative Medicine

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Many people are now using alternative therapies to go along with the traditional medicine they’ve been prescribed by doctors. Some people even find that alternate therapies work better than western medicine. Although doctors won’t suggest alternative therapies because there isn’t enough research to help it, many people have taken their health into their own hands and given  alternative therapy a go. Here are some of the benefits you may come across if you choose to try an alternative therapy.

Pain Relief

Living with pain isn’t something anyone wants to have to do. If you’re in pain because of a chronic condition, alternative therapies could help. Managing chronic pain often requires more than drugs and pairing alternative therapies with your regular prescription could give more relief. Studies have found that people over the age of 50, who are more likely to have chronic conditions, are using alternative therapies more often. This is because therapies like acupuncture, massage and acupressure can result in pain relief.

Mental Health

You’re much more likely to feel energised and hopeful leaving an alternative therapies appointment than you are leaving the doctor. Participating in an alternative therapy can have a positive effect on your mental health. Even if the only change in you after an alternative therapy is a psychological one, it’s worth it. You may like to have a look at applied kinesiology seminars for more information. You’re more likely to believe in pain relief and healing from a therapy of your choosing than you are from taking the same prescription every day. A positive attitude can be a great tool when you’re fighting for better health.

Drug Side Effects

Most modern medicines come with the possibility of side effects. Alternative therapies are the ideal way of coping with the effects of the drugs you have to take. For example, cancer patients often experience nausea, headaches, aches and pain and more during chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Alternative therapies like balneotherapy and aromatherapy could help to diminish those side effects, thus making a difficult time that much easier on the mind and body.

Low Cost

If you choose to use alternative therapies instead of modern medicine, you could save yourself a lot of money. If you have to pay for the drugs that your doctor prescribes, it can be very costly. Alternative therapies are cheaper and you get to choose how often you take part. Therefore, you only spend what you can afford. Many alternative therapists will also recommend the use of natural or herbal remedies, most of which you can pick up in your local health store.


If you go to your doctor and complain of back ache, it’s likely you’ll be given pain relief to manage your everyday tasks. If you go to an alternative therapist, they’ll make an effort to find the root of the problem and rectify it. There are some instances where you’re more likely to be healed from alternative therapies than you are from modern medicine, so it’s certainly worth a go.

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