It Is So Good Not To Be Home

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This post was sponsored by Hyatt Regency as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

We all know the saying, “It is so good to be home,” but we don’t have a saying for when it is nice to not be home for once. When you are not at home there are certain things that you don’t have to worry about, such as making your own bed, preparing your own meals, and don’t forget about not having to clean up a mess afterward either! This is what The Hyatt Regency wants to convey by partnering up with comedians from Comedy Central. Through hilarious short videos, you can see exactly why not being at home is sometimes, the best thing ever.

What Is The Best Thing About Not Being At Home?

Negine Farsad comedian not at home

I was given the mind-blowing opportunity to go behind the scenes of one of the filming of some of the short videos that will be featuring Negine Farsad, a gut-busting comedian, actress, and filmmaker, who knows how to keep you laughing. I had a few minutes alone in between takes in order to ask her a few questions about the event and what is her favorite thing about not being at home.

Me: “Can you tell me a little about the event and what you are doing laying in a bed in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency?”

Negine: “Yeah so they put me, a comedian, in a lobby on a king size bed which is basically a recreation of the room in the lobby. We ‘ve been having various guests coming through, doing nails, face masks, order room service, that kind of thing.”

Me: “Do you stay in hotels often?”

Negine: “Yes! Comedians are on the road A LOT so we are a demographic that identifies with hotels and what our routines are in order to be comfortable.”

Me: “So what is your favorite part of not being at home?”

Negine: “Its gotta be room service! I really love me some room service! I love to stuff my face!”

I was also able to talk to Stacey Snyder, director of brand experience for Hyatt Regency. We talked a bit more about the event and what is the best part of staying at The Hyatt Regency instead of being at home.

Me: “Could you tell us why we are all here today?”

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Stacey: “Sure! We are celebrating all of the reasons why its good not to be home. So we have comedians all across the country engaging with our guests and asking why it is good to be home and staying in our hotels instead.”

Me: “I love that idea of being away from home. We all know it can be fun to go away for a while! So what is your favorite part about staying in a hotel?”

Stacey: “My favorite thing about being in a hotel is about being alone. So I’m a mother of two small children, and when I get away there is nothing better than shutting my hotel’s door and knowing no one is going to disturb me or ask me to put them to bed. I can do whatever I want!”

You Can Join In, Too!

surprised woman winner

As part of the Hyatt Gold Passport sponsorship of the New York Comedy Festival, travelers and Hyatt Gold Passport members can enter the Passport to Comedy Sweepstakes up until December 31st for a chance to win a VIP Daily Show experience, a trip to the New York Comedy Festival and much, much more. By visiting this site, you can enter the sweepstakes and read the official rules as well.

hyatt regency hotel
comedy central tv channel logo


Read up about the Passport to Comedy campaign

More about Negin Farsad

You can enter the sweepstakes here

 It Is So Good Not To Be Home

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