The Best Dating Advice From Michelle Dresbold

The Best Dating Advice From Michelle Dresbold

Have you ever been on a first date with someone and thought to yourself, he seems like a good guy, and later realized you were completely wrong? If yes, you have probably wondered how things would have been different if you had the foresight to see what type of person he was before getting too emotionally involved.

It is my pleasure to tell you, there is a way to find out if the guy is right for you early on, and I know just the woman who can tell you first-hand how to do this: Michelle Dresbold.

I always felt like being an artist makes you see something extra that other people don’t see. It never occurred to me that it would help me become a handwriting analysis expert. – Michelle Dresbold

Michelle Dresbold headshot

The Best Dating Advice From Michelle Dresbold

Lets Discuss everything that we got in the interview.

Who Is Michelle Dresbold?

Michelle Dresbold is a nationally known handwriting expert and personality profiler. She has been analyzing handwriting for 12 years and in those years, she has helped solve many crimes in America. She is a speaker and the author of Sex, Lies, and Handwriting and also has a column about handwriting analysis on her website.

After reading it myself, I must say that this book has changed my life. The next thing I knew I was reading people’s handwriting, looking for clues to cue me in on what they are really like. I definitely used it on the dating scene to learn more about my potential suitors. 

Sex, Lies, and Handwriting by Michelle Dresbold

I had the pleasure to speak with Michelle Dresbold, and I must say it was a memorable experience. Michelle was very down to earth and knowledgeable, not just about handwriting, but about life. Even with her extensive knowledge in handwriting analysis, she considers herself an artist first and foremost with a love and talent for painting.

Many of her works have been featured in art shows! I could not wait to learn more about this interesting woman and how she started a career in something as cool as handwriting analysis.

M3: Why did you decide to write Sex, Lies, and Handwriting?

Michelle Dresbold: Well I had been handwriting for years by then and was writing a syndicated newspaper column and thought I had great ideas to share with people. I said, “Let me take a subject that will enrich people’s lives in a way that’s also fun.” If I can help people in this world by sharing this gift I have, it would make me happy.

Are you working on other books?

I am currently pitching two ideas. One is an updated version of Sex, Lies, and Handwriting, where I can speak about more current cases. Another I am working on involves statement analysis. Statement analysis is how you can use
speech patterns to determine when people are lying and [when] they are being truthful. This is just another step in communication analysis.

There is one view of life when you experience it, and the way it is when you move back. You have to understand both to see a true reflection of your life. – Michelle Dresbold

You’ve been helping law enforcement catch bad guys for over 10 years. What did you do before that?

I was an artist. Well, I am still an artist and have shown in several museums. But before that, I taught snorkeling, exercise classes, was a personal trainer, and designed jewelry. 

What type of art do you do?

I’m an abstract painter. I love Abstract Impressionism. My paintings change the further you walk back and they also change colors in different light. I would say my paintings are a mix between Jackson Pollack and Monet.

Is Michelle Dresbold’s art a reflection of her own life? I asked her if there was any direct correlation between her paintings and how she saw the world.

My paintings reflect my personality exactly. You can look at your life as it is right now in front of you, but you cannot truly understand it until you move back a little. There is one view of life when you experience it, and the way it is when you move back. You have to understand both to see a true reflection of your life.

Did you go to school? If so where did you go?

I attended the University of Michigan and majored in Art and Psychology.

You just have to decide what you want and just do it. – Michelle Dresbold

How did you get into handwriting analysis?

After graduating, I found that being an artist is not as easy in the real world. I decided to take a course for fun in handwriting analysis one summer and quickly surpassed the rest of the class. Then one day I  got a call from the homicide division of the police department. They had heard about me and were interested in [having] me help them out.

I decided to help and got case after case 100% right. The next thing I knew, detectives from all over the country came to hear me speak about my practice. I was one of only 19 handwriting experts selected to attend the [United State’s] Secret Service Advanced Document Examination training program at the Federal training grounds.

I always felt like being an artist makes you see something extra that other people don’t see. It never occurred to me that it would help me become a handwriting analysis expert.

Did you do any other studying on your own after taking two courses in handwriting analysis?

I read every single book I could get my hands on and then did much more studying in psychology. I went to many seminars and courses to learn even more about psychology and also did my own intensive personal study.

Have you had any other hobbies that you’ve jumped into intensively like this?

Absolutely! Take my writing for example, I could not type and could not even use a computer, [so] I went back to school to take beginners typing. I hired someone to teach me how to use a computer. Every night I practiced typing and eventually I was able to write my book. You just have to decide what you want and just do it.

Do you read all of your friend’s handwriting now?

Yes, and no. Sometimes I can’t help it! For example, a girlfriend wrote to me who just had a baby. She sent me pictures of her babies and told me how great everything was in her letter. After reading it I called her instantly and told her I could tell she felt lost and isolated from her handwriting.

Then she told me all the issues she was going through, but it was not until I saw in her handwriting that she talked about [her issues]. Other times, I am too tired to analyze [handwriting]. Sometimes I read someone’s handwriting and they feel the need to tell me everything about themselves.

Does anyone try to hide their handwriting from you?

Yes, some have before. A girlfriend of mine was dating a guy who was very secretive. I went to dinner with my friend and her new boyfriend. Everyone wanted me to look at their handwriting and he got angry and did not want me to see his.

It turned out that he had a whole alternative lifestyle that no one knew about. People who do not share their handwriting usually have something to hide.

Why is it important for a woman to learn to analyze handwriting?

Two reasons: First, in general, danger. A woman is more likely to be in danger than a man. You need to know you are safe. Secondly,  to understand someone in business [to help] you get ahead faster since you know who you are dealing with. Let handwriting analysis keep the odds in your own favor.

I believe women are way more vulnerable than men and they need to use all the skills they have. I think men could also benefit from learning handwriting analysis and could get themselves out of bad situations also.

How can handwriting analysis be used on the dating scene?

It can be used A LOT! Here are three ways:

  1. Are you dating someone who is safe? Are there things in [their] handwriting that have signs of danger? If they are not safe, do not give them a chance.
  2. Are you compatible?
  3. Are you personally doing things to screw up your love life? You can use handwriting analysis to fight your own demons and also to have a good relationship. If you change your handwriting, you can change your personality and bring out a better part of your personality.

Do you have any encouraging advice for women?

“It’s hard to have everything, but it is important to prioritize. Keep an eye open as to what the true things are. Ask yourself, “What do you really want?” and not what everyone wants from you. Many people try to please the world and that’s an easy way to get lost.”

Any handwriting tips for our readers?

handwriting examples

Absolutely! See the image to the left for the top 5 warning signs in handwriting.

5. The Bee Stinger

What to look for: A pointed stroke inside the letters “o” or “a”. If your honey writes with bee stingers, he or she will either refrain from sex altogether or go hog-wild crazy with it.

4. Ground in dots

What to look for: Big thick periods [or] punctuation that’s been ground into the page. Show me a person who is silently resentful, irritable, and obsessive, and I’ll show you a writer who makes ground-in dots. He may also grind his teeth, but that’s another story…

3. The Felon’s Claw

What to look for: A lower loop that curves downward (like a frown) and forms a hook. Felon claw writers believe, deep down, that they don’t deserve anything good to happen to them and will continually “mess up” their lives.

80 percent of convicted felons have felon claws in their script. Of course, just because a writer makes a felon’s claw, doesn’t mean he or she is a felon, but where there are claws, there’s cause for caution.

2. Ambiguous letters or numbers

What to look for: Letters or numbers that can be easily interpreted as other letters or numbers (for example a 3 may look like an 8 or a B looks like a Q)
There are a lot of “dating games,” but a person who writes with ambiguous letters or numbers is probably playing a con game.

1. The dreaded Devil’s fork

What to look for: A stroke hidden somewhere in the writing that resembles a devil’s pitchfork. Devil’s fork writers believe they are possessed by the Devil. If you see the Devil’s fork in your date’s handwriting, don’t even take the time to lace up your shoes—just start running!


Learn more about Michelle Dresbold at

The Best Dating Advice From Michelle Dresbold


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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