5 Simple Marketing Steps to Help Save Your Failing Business

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When it comes to your company, all you want is for it to be successful and profitable. But when the money stops flowing, some entrepreneurs often give up their venture. However, with some marketing help, a failing business can come back to life!

But it must be done right.

So, how can you be sure that you’re marketing your company in the most effective way possible? If you follow these suggestions, you will notice a significant increase in your statistics.

Make A Pitch

It can be a bit hard to convenience someone to invest in a failing business, but it’s not impossible. A pitch is a presentation of what you have to offer potential clients. It must be done correctly in order to capture the attention of those who you want to come to your business and learn more about it.

Giving a pitch to a group of people

You will need to succinctly but accurately describe what your company has to offer them and why they should choose you above the competition. Unfortunately, this is something that needs to be done quickly because people usually read the first few words of a publication and make their conclusions based on that information alone. As an example:

‘[company name here] offers you [what you’re giving] at unbeatable costs.’

Once you have persuaded that individual to continue reading the rest of your pitch, you can go into greater depth about what it is that you are offering and how they may go about obtaining it for their own benefit.

Use The Best Assets

We live in an age where social media dominates pretty much all other forms of advertisement. With approximately 166 million daily active users on social media platforms, it’s much easier to reach people than ever before. In fact, social media can revive a failing business pretty quickly!

This means your marketing must be on point, and it’s worth investing some money into. It’s likely you’ve spent some sort of time on social media. You’ll have noticed high-quality images and videos, whether they’re handmade or professionally produced.

This is something that’s important to keep in mind. Putting half of the effort in and using free programs and low-quality equipment won’t do your brand any favors. If you’re struggling to get content together for social media, consider using the Billo platform for eCom videos for your social media accounts.

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The same goes for your logos and brand packs. Invest in a graphic designer who can create these in high quality, so that your assets always look 100% professional, and catch the eyes of your potential audience.

Offer Something To Get Excited About

It is essential that once you have a group of people interacting with you, you provide them with something to get enthusiastic about, anything that could benefit them greatly.

A coffee with "Yeah!" written in the creamer

As mentioned above, social media is an excellent tool for raising interest in a new product that people will be able to purchase or a service that they will be able to sign up for in the near future. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to develop your new release while also providing them with “sneak peeks” into what you’re working on.

Make use of the following on your social media accounts to increase interest in your company. They can spread the word about your business by retweeting and resharing your content, as well as by suggesting your products and services to others.


Running a contest or a giveaway is an excellent approach to generate interest in what you do. Competitions are so popular because people enjoy winning free prizes.

Entice readers to your website with an informative article on the products or services you provide and an opportunity to win a prize. You might include a request in this contest for readers to share your article as an additional entry to win, but make sure you follow the rules and regulations of each social media network.

Make Use Of Available Resources

Pay for a feature in your local newspaper to help spread the word about your company’s products and services. In order to generate enthusiasm, ask stores and other business sites to display a flyer of yours in their windows for you. If done correctly, a failing business can market as a new business to rake in new clients!

A wall of flyers hanging  on brick

Attend events

You might also look into upcoming events to see if there are any that you might be interested in attending. This does not have to be a networking event in order to be effective.

Take football kits as an example. If you’re wanting to promote football kits to local teams, look for tournaments that are currently taking place and inquire with the organizers about setting up a booth during the event.

It’s possible to adopt a “quid pro quo” arrangement and give them something in exchange for their cooperation.


You should be prepared for questions, demonstrations, and being able to outperform your competitors, whether you plan to do so online through the use of social media or if you plan to attend events to show off what you’ve got to offer.

Scrabble tiles spelling out "ask for help"

Demonstrate to your potential clients that you are serious about what you say by providing them with something for nothing. This might be in the form of a free souvenir with your company name printed on it. Or it can be a free estimate on your services.

The options are limitless. Before you go to any networking events, do some homework on how to network effectively.

Find Out What Works

The odds are that you are not the first individual to try and market your type of goods or services. Research how similar brands have achieved success through marketing. Then, tailor your marketing strategy to meet your product and your company’s unique characteristics and values.

It is simple to find advice on business strategy for a variety of industries. Restaurant marketing ideas would be an excellent example of what tends to work. You could adapt it to fit your specific needs from that point on.

To avoid being accused of copying, avoid totally copying someone else’s pitch or method in case it is discovered.

Following these suggestions will ensure that your company receives the customer base that it wants and deserves. It’s important to remember that the internet is always on your side; make use of social media to help you get your business off the ground, as it can be extremely beneficial.

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