Miraculous 10 Minute Home Workouts

Our never-ending To Do lists leave us exhausted, mentally drained, and always short on time. This is bad enough on its own, but when it’s combined with a sedentary lifestyle, it has a terrible effect on our health and our waistline. The truth is, most people would love to get up and be more active, but the enthusiasm for an evening run wears off in the face of deadlines, preparing meals for the family, and the lure of a comfortable bed. Fortunately, there is a way you can rescue your expanding waistline without going to the gym; all you need is ten minutes and some comfy clothes.

home workouts


With just ten minutes a day on a trampoline, you could boost weight loss, define muscle tone, and improve your overall health. A ten minute workout on a trampoline is the equivalent of running on a treadmill for thirty minutes. It firms the legs, thighs, abdomen, arms and hips, increases agility, and improves sense of balance. Most importantly, it lowers the risk of injury, as the flexible surface reduces the impact of landing. Finally, it doesn’t have to cost the earth; a mini-trampoline fits comfortably in your house and can cost anything from $30 to $1000 depending on the size.

Isometric exercise

You’re probably under the impression that exercise requires vigorous movement if you want it to be effective. While it’s true that cardio is important, most workout routines also feature isometric training; these are exercises that work out all your muscles from a stationary position. An excellent example is a plank; it works out your abs, arms, glutes, and legs, without you actually moving. Performing a series of isometric exercises for ten minutes will tone and strengthen your muscles, and they’re a good supplement to any cardio workout. Start of with planks, deep squats, or glute bridges if this workout is unfamiliar to you.

home workouts


It’s amazing how some of the most effective bursts of exercise are linked to our childhood activities. Jump rope burns more calories than running (an estimated 1300 calories per hour) and it’s easy to just stick some music on and skip for the duration of three or four songs. As it’s a bodyweight exercise, jump rope does help improve muscle tone, but it also targets the thighs, shins, and calf muscles, while simultaneously working on the abs and arms. It’s also easier on your knees and ankles because it’s a low impact workout. The best part is you can do it anywhere; if the weather is nice you could take your workout to the garden, the beach, or the woods. You could even opt for a cordless skipping rope if you’re worried about breaking things in your house.


If you really need is to move a little more, then stick some music on and dance. In addition to helping you lose weight, dancing is also a fantastic way to relieve stress, reduce depression, and boost your energy. Put on your favorite song and dance like nobody’s watching.


Sedentary lifestyle has a terrible effect on our health and our waistline. Fortunately, there is a way without going to the gym: 10-minute home workouts.


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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