Interview with MacKenzie Young of Encourage Fashion

If you’re interested in making your own clothes and accessories, revamping an outfit, or looking for fashion inspiration, then you should check out MacKenzie Young’s blog, Encourage Fashion. She shares various projects with clear instructions and pictures that make it easy for you to follow. She also posts pictures of her fabulous outfits with links to the clothes so you can copy her style. MacKenzie manages her blog while taking college courses to work towards a career in fashion. All of this makes her a Miss Millennia fashion inspiration and life inspiration. Her “About Me” page ends with:

“I created Encourage Fashion in March 2013 as a way for me to share my style and creative side. Encourage Fashion is a blog about my life, fashion, and anything I feel like talking about! I’ve always wanted to inspire people and also push them to do what they love whether it has to do with fashion or anything else.”

Well MacKenzie, you’ve already  inspired me!

Miss Millennia Magazine: Could you tell us a little about yourself, age, other hobbies besides crafting and fashion?

MacKenzie Young: I’m MacKenzie, I’m 21, and I’m a style and DIY blogger on Encourage Fashion. Outside of crafting and fashion, I love photography, movie-going, going to the dog park with my pup Tucker, and shopping.

M3: I read on your blog you’re in college; what are you studying and what are your career goals?

MacKenzie: I’m studying Fashion Merchandising at the Academy of Art University and want to be a buyer when I get my degree.

How do you manage your time between running a blog and school?

I do all of my schooling online so it’s easier than normal. It is tough to come up with organic ideas and finish homework, but with a little drive it works out for me!

I love your style. Where do you get your fashion inspiration?

I love looking to other bloggers for inspiration and a few celebrities. I love Nicole Richie, Lauren Conrad and Olivia Palmero. Some bloggers I love are Meg from Styled Avenue, Kendi Everyday, and Cara Loren.

What’s your favorite store?

It’s tough to choose one, but most of my closet is H&M. They always have some great clothes!

Do you have any advice for new DIYers?

Something that you have to remember is you will have some that don’t work out, and everybody has been there. I worked on some projects I thought would turn out great and it was a disaster. Just remember that some things just don’t work out!

How long have you been making your accessories, and what sparked it?

Ever since I was a kid I always loved making crafty little things. I didn’t start making jewelry until a few years ago when I was shopping and found something I could easily make myself.

What has been your biggest struggle in achieving your goals? How are you overcoming it?

I believe my biggest struggle has been myself. I’m a crazy homebody and a perfectionist so I feel like everything I do isn’t good enough. That sure has been something I hated, but I’m making myself branch out and try new things. My husband loves that because he always says I’m stuck in my ways.

What/who inspires you?

My family really inspires me. They always have such drive and determination and it pushes me to want great things in life.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Follow your dreams! I’m glad I branched out and started my blog because I look forward to creating things and reaching out to fellow bloggers and making friends. I can definitely see myself doing this for a while!

Thank you to MacKenzie for the interview! If you haven’t checked out her blog, Encourage Fashion, do yourself a favor and head over there now. Even if you don’t visit for the DIY projects, go for the fashion ideas.

If you know any women that inspire you and would be great for Miss Millennia interview, shoot me an email at

MacKenzie Young


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