How Women are Contributing to the Not-Com Movement

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A few months ago I wrote about the process on deciding a name for your business and ways to think about a new name. There is an art to choosing a name and your reasoning behind your name and the domain you choose for it can mean so much for your business. Choosing a domain name is just as difficult since the most obvious choices for domains are already taken. However, there is a new movement of domains that business owners are making sure to take advantage of.

What is the Not-Com movement anyway?

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photo: Name.Kitchen

So what is the not-com movement you say? It actually started in 2013 when new domain endings began to emerge. Instead of the usual .COM there are more choices such as .COFFEE, .GURU, and .PHOTOGRAPHY. This means having a domain such as JASMINE.PHOTOGRAPHY is very available whereas is not. This opens many doors for those who want better SEO value for the name they choose meaning you could come up higher on Google than someone with a dot-com domain.  Pretty darn sweet!

 Why would I choose a NotCom as a business owner?

But here is the thing with this movement. Just as there are some domains you know will not be available, let’s say If you are a photographer and wanted that name for SEO purposes, then you are out of luck. But with the not-com movement, you have a huge amount of options again. Luckily, there is Name.Kitchen powered by donuts, that has a huge variety of not-com domains and also a plethora of free tools to help inspire you and help you brainstorm your company name and domain. You can see some of these tools and tips at If you are still wondering if at not-com name is right for you, check out these stories of women using not-coms in their own businesses.

Women pushing this movement

There are many people who are supporting this movement to grow their businesses and of course at Miss Millennia we are all about supporting women in their endeavors. here are 3 women who got their businesses started and used a not-com URL.

Ann Marie Guenther of ThatGirl Organizes 

Meet Ann Marie Guenther, the creator of ThatGirl Organizes. In an interview on she talks about how her “chronically disorganized” childhood home has led her into a life of organization strategies, and thus led her to her own business. She talks about how she was nicknamed That Girl when she was a kid since her name is Ann Marie, who is also the main star of ThatGirl. She chose the domain ThatGirlOrganizes.Guru because to her a Guru is someone who cannot stop doing something that they love and that defined her exactly. being able to add that extra word added even more meaning to what she does.

You can read more of Ann Marie’s story by going to

Katy Lengacher of Icarus Photography

Katy Lengacher’s story is interesting since she decided to name her photography business after the mythological character who was known for flying too close to the sun. But she also talked about this tale where was also supposed to not fly too close to the ocean since his wings would get too wet to fly as well. her ideal for choosing this name was that he was supposed to fly in the middle not too close to the sun and not too close to the water which reminds her not to work too hard (aka all the time) and not to slack off (not too close to the water). She originally chose the domain, but it was not available which led her to the dot-net domain which she felt did not fit her business exactly. It wasn;t until she found the domain when she felt she found the perfect domain name. She says that she gets plenty of clients since a lot of the SEO work is already done! Read more about Katy’s story by going to

Mariah Mansvelt Beck and Wendelien Hebly of Yoni

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photo: Yoni.Care
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photo: Yoni.Care

The last women I want to speak about is Mariah Mansvelt Beck and Wendelien Hebly of the company Yoni. These women created women’s sanitary products that have no toxic chemicals in them that are directly linked to cancer. Their mission is to“keep chemicals away from vaginas, globally.” The name Yoni is derived from the Sanskrit language that means “the origin of Life,” or vagina. They figured, why not be a little bold with the name they chose.

They chose the domain Yoni.Care since “care crosses borders”. Anyone who understands English knows what care means and it also shows how much they actually care about women’s health.  Want to learn more about Yoni? Check out their interview at

If you were wondering if this is something that will work for you and your business check out these 3 women who are doing a great job at their businesses and benefiting from the not-com movement. This movement is not only a great way to emphasize your specialty, but also help you in SEO and show your creativity. What could this movement mean for you and your business? Get inspired by going to Name.Kitchen’s inspirational I am video series.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Name.Kitchen.

Not-Com Movement


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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