The Female Reproductive System—Facts For You to Know!

The reproductive system is an amazing part of the female anatomy. We know its main functions, but it still holds a slight air of mystery for many who don’t know the area well. This goes for both men and women! Many of us have seen the episode of the Netflix hit TV series Orange is the New Black in which the female inmates inspect their individual vaginal and vulva areas and for some, it’s all new!

As females, the reproductive system is such a huge part of our lives that it’s a good idea to get to know it well. Educate yourself by asking your physician, your Mom or by exploring your own body…learn what is down there!

This list of facts from Carvaka Adult Toys aims to highlight some interesting pointers that you might not be aware of in terms of the female reproductive system. Check it out below and test your existing knowledge!

female reproductive system
Courtesy of Carvaka
Photo Credit: Hey Paul Studios via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: Hey Paul Studios via Compfight cc

Interested in learning more about your female reproductive system? Be sure to read Amazing You!: Getting Smart About Your Private Parts.

female reproductive system



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