How to Establish Routine When Working Long Hours

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Essilor. The opinions and text are all mine.

I recently wrote about what a typical day at Miss Millennia Magazine is like for me and many people and me seemed shocked at how much effort went into each day for us. For example, on the day where I wrote four articles in a single day, I had a 12-hour workday! Needless to say, by the end of that day I felt drained and my eyes were so tired. Sometimes working long days are inevitable, but they can really wreck havoc on our minds and body. Here I would like to share a few tips that I use when I know I have a long day ahead of me.

Give Yourself Deadlines

hizliokuma via Compfight cc
hizliokuma via Compfight cc

We all heave deadlines when it comes to the work we do, but sometimes it is important to set deadlines for yourself. I set times of the day that I ahve to have an individual article turned in to keep myself from procrastinating. I know that if my article is due at 9am and I still have a lot to write, I will get up at 5am so I have enough time to proofread and schedule out my social posts once it’s finsihed. his may seem silly, but is so necesarry when you have multiple things you are trying to accomplish that day so you know when it is time to move on.

Takes multiple breaks during the day

By: Timothée Mägli
By: Timothée Mägli 

I take this rule very seriously. I already get a little cabin fever sometimes since I work from home, so I always welcome the schedule break. My breaks for the day usually includes 1 meal and exercising for the day mixed with a few bathroom breaks thrown in there. This is something I neglected when I first started working from home and I was miserable. I had to realize that I did not have anything to prove working from home. Don’t be ashamed to take a much needed break from time to time, especially if you plan on working a long day. Sometimes I take a break that is a little longer and do a bi-weekly hike with my buddy Sadia. But I know I can make up for it by working later and getting up earlier the next day. Taking break are so good for your body and your mind.

Use Eyezen glasses

Eyezen glasses are perfect for a long workday

The average millennial spends about 10 hours per day behind a screen between mobile devices, TVs, computers and tablets. While we are becoming more technologically advanced, the probelm is thatme in my Eyezen glasses ready for the longest day of work
our eyes were not designed to keep up with the glow from all these screens on a daily basis. Just because I know this does not mean it is time for me to shut down my site and start living a life without technology. That would be crazy. Plus I do not think I would survive for long. But there is an alternative, and it’s called Eyezen glasses.

What I enjoy about Eyezen glasses is they prevent eye strain and block the harmful blue light from your screen. And most importantly, they are stylish. Check out the Dolce and Gabanna pair I received. Since I received my glasses, I can focus much longer, and I do not get motion sick anymore when I look at the screen too long. I have to admit that I love my pair.

If you already wear glasses, these baby’s can be created with your prescription in them as well, and they have some beautiful styles to choose from. You can order ask about Eyezen with your Eye doctor or order your lenses without a prescription by going to their site at

Beware of when and how often you check your emails!

This one can be deadly. I am obsessed with my email and get a high when people tell me “Thanks for responding so quickly.” Do yourself a favor and track your day and see how much time you dedicate to checking your email. You will be shocked. To fight the addiction I make a point to ignore my emails during writing days. Sorry if I do not get back to quickly on those days, but I cannot lose focus when I write, or else I lose momentum. I know that this is a tough one for many people so just beware.

Working long hours can suck, but using the tips I have above is an excellent way to stay healthy and productive. If you are thinking of a gift to get your buddy who sits behind a computer screen all day, the Eyezen glasses could be a fantastic option for them! Check out more info on them here. Good luck!


Millennial viewing time with TV 1.5hrs, with mobile/PC 6hrs!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Essilor . The opinions and text are all mine.

Do you have a long workday ahead of you? Here are a few simple tips to make sure you are prepared to get through the day.


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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