CalmiGo Review – Secret To Your Natural Anxiety Relief

Calmigo Review Is This Finally The Answer To Natural Anxiety Relief?

The past year and a half have been a whirlwind: a worldwide pandemic, job loss, climate change, political discourse…I can continue, but I think you get the idea. The bottom line is that you must consider natural anxiety relief during these trying times.

My life has not been an exception to the mental anguish 2020 has left us all in. I have found myself, even more than ever, experiencing issues such as high blood pressure, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, and even having problems just trying to relax. And I am not alone!

Research shows that a KFF Health Tracking Poll from July 2020 also found that many adults are reporting specific negative impacts on their mental health and well-being, such as difficulty sleeping (36%) or eating (32%), increases in alcohol consumption or substance use (12%), and worsening chronic conditions (12%), due to worry and stress over the coronavirus.

While the worst of the pandemic may now be behind us, we are far from out of the woods regarding our mental health as a nation. This is why I have this Calmigo review, discussing this natural anxiety relief tool.

CalmiGo Review – Everything Explained

Before I get into the details of the CalmiGo review, let’s Discuss Calmigo In detail.

What is CalmiGo?

CalmiGo is a medically reviewed device proven (through clinical trials) to provide short-term and long-term benefits to those who struggle with anxiety and anxiety disorder symptoms. CalmiGo uses multi-sensory stimulation that combines scents, vibrations, lights, and breathing to slow your heart rate and rapid breathing. All health professionals use it to reduce anxiety and severe panic attacks.

CalmiGo’s patented technology delivers relaxation in moments of anxiousness by adapting your breathing and naturally quieting four senses. In addition, CalmiGo’s simplicity is that it is a drug-free, calm, safe hand-held device that only takes 3 minutes to use for natural stress and anxiety relief.

It helps calm anxiety, stress, difficulty sleeping, and even difficulty concentrating. You inhale and exhale through the device to achieve a clearer mind in just minutes.

CalmiGo - Calming Device for Natural Anxiety Relief

CalmiGo has genuinely changed how I deal with my anxiety on a day-to-day basis. Since using it, I have noticed that the number of panic attacks I usually experience has lessened immensely, and I sleep better at night.

We at Miss Millennia have partnered with CalmiGo because we believe in this device and want to share it with as many people as possible to help them with their anxiety as well! 

Using this link, or our promo code MISSMILLMAG, you will receive $30 off your CalmiGo today. So try it out for yourself, and come back to tell me your experience in the comments below!

We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

Medication vs Natural Anxiety Relief And Stress

I don’t know about you, but after hearing about these stats, I felt a little relieved knowing that I was not the only one experiencing this increase in anxiety and moments of distress post-2020. But it still left me questioning where we go from here when treating symptoms of anxiety and depression.

I wouldn’t say I like prescription medication for anxiety since I know it can be addictive. Instead, if possible, I want to reduce stress naturally and with breathing techniques. So, I started my journey to find an anxiety treatment without medication.

A few natural remedies for anxiety I’ve tried include essential oils, chamomile tea, lemon balm, CBD oil, herbal supplements, and meditation–which have mostly worked for me. Over the past year and a half, however, I was more anxious than ever before and started looking for other ways to help me calm down when I could feel myself begin to spiral where my other natural products were not doing the trick. 

How I Stumbled Upon CalmiGo

Early this year, CalmiGo was recommended to me by a friend, and I will admit I was a bit skeptical at first.

CalmiGo is The Answer To Natural Anxiety Relief?

I have heard of other treatments for anxiety without medication products to help those experiencing anxiety or panic attacks. They were usually pieces of small jewelry meant to be worn to help someone breathe through their attack.

This would be great for someone who knows breathing patterns and regulation correctly for calming down–something I had no idea how to do. The difference between that and CalmiGo was world-changing. 

My Experience Using CalmiGo

I was so excited to try CalmiGo when it first arrived! It came with a soft cover cloth pouch to carry the CalmiGo, the scent pad scented element pack (I chose lavender), a quick start and user guide, and the hand-held device CalmiGo. It was super easy to read the instructions and set up. 

CalmiGo kit on table

Of course, I tried breathing into it immediately. After removing the protective cover and pressing the power button (indicated by the battery lighting up and a vibration), the CalmiGo is ready to use. I used a single hand to hold it against my mouth and breathed in through my nose, allowing in the relaxing lavender scent.

Slowly, I exhaled into the mouthpiece, feeling the slight movement of a ball inside the device. The three feedback lights slowly glowed as they continued to exhale.

Finally, after reaching the desired exhalation length, the device vibrated, alerting me that I could restart the process by breathing in through my nose again. I continued this cycle for the recommended three minutes because you can control the amino acid level in your body.

Almost instantly, I was much calmer. My shoulders relaxed for the first time in a long time, and I felt like I could finally breathe. Rapid anxiety relief is the perfect way to describe CalmiGo. I knew from the first use that this was a game-changer. 

The Pros of Using CalmiGo

Let’s explore some Pros:

Fast Relief

Unlike prescription medicine or other approaches, you can see relief after using the CalmiGo for only 3 minutes. This has to be one of the best parts of this device. And it is long-lasting, sometimes lasting me even a couple of hours.

Great For a Proactive Approach

One of my favorite things about this device is that it is perfect for being proactive about a stressful event. For example, I noticed that I slept better at night when I used CalmiGo before bed or had a better day at work when using my CalmiGo before my shift began. The proactive approach is probably the best case for it, IMO, since it allows you to mitigate anxiety before it even happens.

Handy Enough to Take With You Anywhere

The CalmiGo has a handy carrying case that makes it easy to take it everywhere.

CalmiGo carry case

The Cons of Using CalmiGo

Let’s Explore Some Cons.

Remembering To Use It In Times Of Natural Anxiety Relief

While the CalmiGo is fantastic for using proactively, I found it not as easy to use when I had a panic attack—remembering to use the device and knowing where to find it seemed pretty tricky for me to do. But, when I did remember to use it during these moments, it was beneficial! But, I learned I got way more use out of using it proactively instead of reactively.

A Few Customer CalmiGo Reviews You Should See

I’m only one person, so I know that typically is not enough to help you decide whether this product will work for you. But I can say that I was also thrilled to see that I was not the only one who thought CalmiGo was awesome. 

Take Elena Breese, a Boston Marathon Terror Attack Survivor who uses Calmigo to ease her panic attacks.

Emily Hill uses CalmiGo to ease her driving anxiety.

Natural Anxiety Relief – Try For Yourself

If I do not wholeheartedly support and believe they work, I never recommend products, much less write an article about them. Not only is CalmiGo safe to use as much as needed, but it is backed up by scientific evidence showing that it is an effective method to combat anxiety. 

CalmiGo - Calming Device for Natural Anxiety Relief

CalmiGo has genuinely changed how I deal with my anxiety on a day-to-day basis. Since using it, I have noticed that the number of panic attacks I usually experience has lessened immensely, and I sleep better at night.

We at Miss Millennia have partnered with CalmiGo because we believe in this device and want to share it with as many people as possible to help them with their anxiety as well! 

Using this link, or our promo code MISSMILLMAG, you will receive $30 off your CalmiGo today. So try it out for yourself, and come back to tell me your experience in the comments below!

We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

CalmiGo has genuinely changed how I deal with my anxiety daily. Since using it, I have noticed that the number of panic attacks I usually experience has lessened immensely, and I sleep better at night.

We at Miss Millennia have partnered with CalmiGo because we believe in this device and want to share it with as many people as possible to help them with their anxiety! 

Using this link or our promo code MISSMILLMAG, you will receive $30 off your CalmiGo today. So try it out for yourself, and come back to tell me your experience in the comments below! I hope this Calmigo Review proved helpful and is a great resource for you when it comes to


CalmiGo Review: Is This Finally The Answer To Natural Anxiety Relief?


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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