Is A Blog Really Worth The Investment?

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Making money through a blog can be a great way to generate some consistent revenue. However, it takes a lot of blog investment in upfront effort and time before you can reap any reward! Opening up a blog can be a great way to draw passive income your way, but not all blogs have the same capability for it. 

After all, some blogs take a while to generate passive income simply because of what they’re writing about. And that’s something you need to consider most here; most revenue generated through blogs comes from affiliate links and/or something you’re selling, and that’s not easy in every niche! 

So, if you want to start a blog, you need to consider if the time and money you put in will be worth it. If you’ve got a passion you want to write about online, could it easily be monetized? And if not, how long will it take before you see a return? As such, here are the blogging pros and cons you’ll have to balance. 

The Start-Up Costs are Low

Unlike the other points below, this one is pure pro. Thanks to how low website hosting fees are these days, you don’t have to have much money in the bank to start a blog. And very rarely do people go without using a blogging platform when starting a blog of their own.

It isn't free to run a blog but it is also not too expensive, either!

For only around $10 a month, you have unlimited access to a suite of blogging tools and templates that help your website look and function how you really need it to. Plus, starting the associated social media accounts doesn’t cost anything; you only have to pay for various advertising methods through them. In the business world, that’s only around a tenth of the usual price you’d have to pay to put a very basic company together! 

You Can Build an Engaged Audience

Whatever you’re blogging about, you can build an engaged audience that’ll be excited for all the content you post and any events or merchandise you put together. This is great for your blog’s online presence; consistent traffic traveling toward your site and spending plenty of time on your blog’s pages means search engines will notice you much more. 

That can also attract sponsorship offers more readily. You can set up various affiliate links for items you know your audience is either already going to buy or are now interested in because of you. This can net you a steady monthly profit, which can be a great bonus when you’re about a year or two into your blogging journey. 

However, when you’ve already built an audience, it can be a little difficult to expand – a niche is just that: niche! You must repeatedly step your content up to the next level to keep that momentum going. 

There’s No Income Ceiling

When you’re blogging regularly, you can bring in various revenue streams off of the back of your online efforts. As such, there’s little to no income ceiling in the blogging world. You can happily make around $1000 a month because of it, but you can also reach the heights of $20,000+ if you hit your stride. 

This kind of money doesn’t happen overnight, however, and takes a lot of time and the deployment of consistent engagement strategies to reach. You need to have content ready to go that’s easy and interesting to read and mix your media here and there. For example, make videos, start a podcast, host an event, etc… Are you ready to fit work like this into your schedule? It’s hard to do when you’re working full-time simultaneously! 

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Generate Organic Traffic

When it comes to attracting people to your blog, organic traffic is the best kind of draw you could ask for. After all, it means your blog is well placed enough that people are finding it on their own, without any need for you to advertise it. Now that’s cost-effective! However, generating this kind of traffic takes a little while, and this timeline can make your blog less of a good investment. 

Having a successful blog means to draw in organic traffic

You will need to set a strong SEO trail for organic traffic and create some strong, valuable content for which people want to visit your blog. To do that, you need to know who your audience is and what they want to see, which takes a lot of research. And remember, while you can build an engaged audience relatively soon in your blogging journey, there’s a good chance you’ll struggle to expand outside of this section of the online world. 

You Can Blog Whenever and Wherever

Blogging is a job you can take with you. As long as you’ve got an internet signal, you can log on and tap out any number of posts. It’s flexible and good for people with multiple responsibilities. And on the one hand, this is a great thing. 

However, this can mean you are too flexible with your time and energy. You can fit more things into your day. You can blog later! However, when the time rolls around, you’re just not up for writing, editing, and formatting a new post. And we’re not even counting the amount of social media promotion you’ll need to do for the post as well. Overall, it’s a double-edged sword you have to be careful with. 

Starting a blog of your own can earn you at least $100 a month, even when you’re only a few months into your journey. However, pushing that amount even further can make the overall investment difficult to justify. But if you like blogging and are personally invested in your writing, this could be the start of a good online career!

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