Author: Maggie Collett

Jobs That Make You Rich, Especially If You're A Woman

Jobs That Make You Rich, Especially If You’re A Woman

In Short: Top-paying careers for women, like anesthesiologists, gynecologists, and corporate economists, offer high salaries and excellent wealth-building potential. Read on to learn more in detail! In today’s world, financial…

books spread out on bed are what you should be reading

What You Should Be Reading Right Now

I’ve always been a book nerd. When I was younger, I remember going over to friends’ houses for play dates and staying inside to read while they went out to…

sunset over the ocean from traveling right now

Why You Should be Traveling Right Now!

I am a huge advocate for travel. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: travel is the secret to world peace. If everyone would cross a few borders…

Best Ways to Boost Your Confidence

Best Ways to Boost Your Confidence

If there’s one thing that all women have in common, I would venture to say that it’s confidence. More specifically, there is room to grow in our confidence. As sad…

11 Budgeting Tips That Are Easy to Stick To

11 Budgeting Tips That Are Easy to Stick To

I’m going to tell you something that you probably already know: saving money is hard. Like, really hard. Especially in this world where even a master’s degree and five years…