6 Tips for Become an Effective and Successful Manager

6 tips to become an effective and successful manager

 No organization has ever realized any notable success without the leadership and direction of a competent and high-performance manager. Businesses rise and fall based on the quality of their management. A good manager is one who effectively, efficiently and consistently delivers results. But how the manager gets the work done is just as important as getting the job done.

If the methods used are unsuitable, their success will not be sustainable. For instance, They could drive away talented employees. Who cannot withstand a needlessly hostile work environment? Everyone can become a competent manager. If they are willing to apply the following tips. ,


As a manager, you are in charge of a team. As a first time manager. The initial months. You may struggle to trust the members of your team to do things as you want them. Trying to do everything yourself can be counterproductive. Not only will the quality of work suffer but you’re going to burn out from the strain.

Also, workers will feel demoralized and insecure. It seems that their boss considers them untrustworthy, incompetent and incapable of learning. Instead, learn to delegate work. So you reduce your role to following up when work is unsatisfactory or late. Doing this grows the expertise, confidence and leadership qualities of your team.

Over time, you find that your intervention is needed less and less.

Set Reasonable, Realistic Goals


No business or person attains significant success if they do not have ambition. Besides, enthusiasm must be moderated by a healthy dose of reality. As a manager, You want to chalk up achievements. That grabs the attention of senior executives and leave the rest of the organization in awe. But there’s such a thing as unrealistic ambition.

As you set targets for your department and each team member make sure the goals are ambitious but achievable. The kanban maturity model would be useful in this regard. Ambitious goals help your team grow. But if they are unattainable. They will only lead to frustration as your employees. It feels like they are chasing after a moving target.

Communication is Key

A manager’s role is not to bark orders to cowering subordinates. As the adage goes, speak and carry a big stick. Your employees are adults of sound mind. So they are likely aware of the consequences if they fail to execute on the tasks assigned to them.

Good management is inseparable from good communication. Managers should be firm and assertive but always remain calm, clear and consistent. Make sure any information an employee needs. To do their work better is available to them as soon as possible.

Be Approachable


Many managers make the mistake of being aloof and creating an invisible distance from their employees. The manager wants to be seen as a serious person that doesn’t entertain nonsense. It’s thought that this will make team members act on the manager’s every command.

But the success of a team is dependent on the depth of harmony, camaraderie, and morale. A manager must be approachable if an employee is struggling with completing a task and needs guidance. They shouldn’t be afraid to approach you for advice. Approachability also means you are always open to new ideas from your team. Because you are the manager doesn’t say you have a monopoly of knowledge.

Recognize Wins

Humans have an innate need for recognition and appreciation. Everyone feels an inner warmth when someone commends them for a job well done. As a manager. Your role isn’t making sure anything goes wrong. But also celebrating when someone goes out of their way to do the right thing.

Recognition ranges from the small compliments. You are given to team members for routine tasks to the more formal rewards, such as trophies, certificates and performance bonuses for significant achievements. Acknowledging your employees’ efforts makes them a happier and more willing lot. Which can only augur well for your team’s objectives?

 Don’t Stop Learning


The chances are that you were appointed to that managerial position. Because you have a good understanding of the processes and procedures. And that define your department. Besides, no matter how conversant you are with what your department is doing. You are unlikely to be a subject matter expert on every little thing therein. Keep an open mind and prepare to listen to your subordinates.

Remember that you are the team leader. They are the ones charged with performing the low-level day-to-day routines. Each employee who works under you thus likely has a very intimate understanding of what it is they do. If you dismiss their opinions and feedback, you’ll be starving yourself of knowledge. And it could make your department better than it is.

Also, plan to attend internal and external workshops each year. Thus, It will increase both your technical and managerial expertise.

You are unlikely to become an excellent manager from the get-go. There’ll continuously be learning and unlearning. Until eventually, you find what works for you. Even then, there’s no point in your career as a manager that you’ll reach the end of new learning. You have to work at being a better manager every day. Most importantly, always keep an open mind and be willing to adapt.

Now armed with these tips, go out there, be a leader and build a world-class team.

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6 Tips for Become an Effective and Successful Manager


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