5 Reasons You’re Always Tired (And What You Can Do About It)

Exhaustion is becoming a norm in our society today. Between family and social life, work or school, and several other commitments you’re trying to juggle, it’s easy to blame it on a busy lifestyle. It can be tempting to rely on coffee, energy drinks, and even over-the-counter medications to get you through the day. But these short-term energy boosts aren’t the healthiest option. In the long run, it’s better to explore why you might be feeling fatigued in the first place. Since this is such a general symptom, it can be a result of anything, including:

Living a Sedentary Lifestyle

You may not use up a lot of energy sitting on the couch, but inactivity ironically lowers your energy levels. When you exercise, your body produces all kinds of helpful chemicals that increase energy levels, eliminate fatigue, and leave you feeling great the rest of the time. The good news is even minimal increases in physical activity can make a difference. Be sure to replace sedentary behaviors with active ones. For starters, walk to short distances as opposed to driving, avoid the elevator and take the stairs, avoid sitting for too long, and so on.

Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation seems like an obvious cause of fatigue, yet many of us are constantly not getting enough sleep for one reason or another. When you sleep, your body releases hormones that regulate your energy levels and metabolism, which leaves you feeling refreshed, energized, and alert when you wake up. To improve your sleep quality, try to maintain a consistent sleep routine, eat lightly before bedtime, create a soothing pre-sleep routine, sleep on a comfortable bed and a mattress made with organic materials, and improve your sleeping environment by keeping it clean, quiet, cool, and dark.

High-Stress Levels

Another cause of constant fatigue is something we’re all familiar with; stress. While a little stress actually makes you more alert to perform better in certain tasks, prolonged, excessive stress can cause physical and emotional exhaustion and even lead to illness. Learning how to manage your stress levels can prevent you from feeling completely tired. The first step is to identify the cause of your stress. Then, you need to avoid your stressors whenever possible, accept what you can’t change, learn and practice relaxation techniques, and learn to forgive among other things.

Poor Diet

Our overall well-being is a direct reflection of what we eat and drink. Most of us eat junk food, refined carbs, foods with high sugar levels, and several other processed foods. These foods contain little to no nutrients, which means they do nothing for your energy levels and only leave you feeling drained. To eliminate fatigue and improve your overall health, strive to have healthy meals with lots of fiber, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy, fruits, vegetables, proteins, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and don’t forget to drink enough water.

Medical Conditions

Have you made the necessary lifestyle changes to do with the above causes, but still feel exhausted all the time? Well, not to alarm you, but there could be an underlying medical condition. There are several medical conditions that can leave you feeling fatigued always, including diabetes, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, heart disease, pregnancy, an underactive thyroid, anemia, and so on. If you’re worried that one of these conditions might be causing your constant exhaustion, visit your healthcare provider as soon as possible to discuss your worries.

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