How To Increase Your Knowledge With The World Financial Group

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If nothing else, the past two years have taught all of us that our way of life can change in an instant. Smart financial goals need to be set once the unfathomable happens. The primary goal of financial management is to maximize your wealth. Make sure to save money to protect yourself, your family, and your business from the credit card debt and the unexpected by working with The World Financial Group.

This can be in the form of having a life insurance policy, emergency fund, or just having a solid retirement plan as your savings goal. But, before we can into that, what is The World Financial Group and how can they help you? 

Helping the Community Since 2001

Since being founded in 2001, The World Financial Group has managed to help over 4.6 million families with their finances by growing their financial knowledge. The goal of financial management is to increase the amount of money you have. They also boast of having over 54,000 grade A agents this year!

A group of people shaking hands

They have also been partnered with the Transamerica brand, known for their integrity for 115 years. The WFG has diverse leadership–all of who believe that everyone has the ability to thrive if only given the correct opportunity to do so. 

On top of wanting to help communities grow and succeed, they’ve also begun The WFG Foundation. This is a nonprofit organization that, along with the WFG trust in Canada, has raised over 4 million dollars in grants! 

What The WFG Offers 

The World Financial Group is known to have many different ways to serve its customers. They employ agents who will help with things such as: 

Each category includes many subcategories as well. For example, the financial strategies services include financial needs analysis, financial goal setting, and strategies to pursue your goals.

With WFG, take charge of your personal finance with the help of financial professionals and investment advisory for insurance products, student loans, and save for retirement to achieve your goal and gain a solid understanding of dealing with broker-dealers. Their approach is time-based. They also set specific measurable and achievable goals.

For the rest of this article, I will be focusing on the subcategory, life insurance coverage, which falls under the insurance protection category, and retirement strategies. 

Retirement Strategies Offered by The WFG

The World Financial Group knows that people are taking great care of themselves and thus, living longer and happier lives! The WFG has three subcategories under retirement strategies:

  • Annuities
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (only available in Canada)
  • Tax-Free Savings Accounts (only available in Canada)

Because M3 is based in The United States, I’ll focus on annuities.

A woman hugging her mom while she types on a laptop

Annuities guarantee an income stream meant for those who have retired. These can be paid into with payments or one large sum during the “accumulation phase”. Payments are received for either the rest of the person’s life or during a fixed amount of time.

By setting up an annuity, you can retire knowing that your future is set so that you can focus on what is most important to you in your golden era.

Life Insurance Protection with The World Financial Group

Although so many more people or living longer and healthier lives, tragedies can still happen. This is why it is imperative that you have life insurance.

Check out this quick video on the importance of life insurance:

As the video states, there are a couple of choices to choose from when it comes to quality life insurance. Depending on many factors, such as age, family size, income, debt, etc. Not to mention, the needs of families can grow or shrink over time.

To find which would best fit you and your family’s needs just in case the unthinkable happens, it is important to speak to a highly qualified WFG agent.

Although it is not easy or fun to think about, protecting what you love most–your family–is what is important. Financial planning makes a huge difference in how your family’s future is shaped after suffering such a major loss.

The World Financial Group takes pride in what they do and plans on continuing to help communities grow and achieve all of their financial goals! There are not many diligent financial groups that truly care about those who they work with, but know that The WFG is a global financial group that not only cares about your short term goals, but they give back through their foundation, trust, and knowledge on financial literacy as part of the long term goal.

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  • Joi Watts

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