4 Smart Ways To Save Money On Major Monthly Expenses

4 Smart Ways To Save Money On Major Monthly Expenses

There are many ways to save money on monthly expenses, but not all of them are the best use of your time. If you want to know the smartest, most efficient ways to save money on a monthly basis, here are four things to do.

1. Use a comparison or switcher site

One of the most straightforward ways of saving money on your monthly expenses is to join a comparison or automatic switcher site for your utilities. These two types of money-saving services are a little different though. 

A comparison site compares the rates and services of different utility providers so you can choose the one that currently best fits your needs at the lowest monthly price. However, when signing up you will be locked into a longer-term contract. Usually the contract is for 12 months. 

On the other hand, a switcher site is one where you allow them to switch your services automatically to ensure you the lowest prices all the time. The idea is that you shouldn’t notice any interruption in service and always get the best deal on your utilities possible.

If neither of these options sound right for you, don’t worry! You can also sign up for Trim and keep all your currently utility services. Trim automatically negotiates to save you money on your monthly bills. Learn more below!

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I would know because they save me money on my internet bill each and every month! Probably the best piece of all of this is that they only get paid if they save you money! They take a small percentage of whatever they save you.

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2. Refinance your home 

For many of us, our mortgage is the most expensive bill we have to pay each month. Luckily, it may be possible to reduce this monthly expense and ensure you have more money left for the more fun things in life. 

 Indeed, one way that you can lower your monthly mortgage costs is to refinance your home. This will enable you to then look for the lowest refinance home loan rates and get a better rate of interest. Therefore allowing you to pay a lot less, both per month and in terms of compound interest over time. 

3. Get a SIM-only deal 

Having a bright new shiny phone is all well and good, but is it really worth the $100+ you pay each month? For most people, probably not.

It is likely that you already have several phones that are in a serviceable condition lying in a drawer at home. 

With that in mind, a smart way to save some money on your monthly expenses is to opt for a SIM-only deal. These are often vastly cheaper than contracts that include a phone, while also offering the same deal on minutes, messaging, and internet access. 

4. Don’t waste money on gas

 Finally, another major monthly for most people is gas. After all, you can’t get to work, the store, or anywhere else without putting gas in your vehicle. The good news is that it’s as easy to save on gas as it is the other bills mentioned in this post. Indeed, all you need to do is find which gas station close to you is offering the lowest prices and use that. 

You don’t even need to use your gas up driving around looking for the cheapest stations either. Instead, hop online and do a quick Google search as there are plenty of websites that can identify these for you.


These four smart ways to save you money will bring down your monthly expenses. That way, you have more cash to spend on things you want to do!


4 Smart Ways To Save Money On Major Monthly Expenses


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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