Following Your Inner Fashionista #LikeaGirl: Brittney Bradley, B’s Boutique Owner

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Theoretically, B’s Boutique owner Brittney Bradley should know absolutely nothing about high-end fashion or how to keep up with its finicky trends. The self-proclaimed small-town girl of Youngstown, Ohio and humble beginnings, grew up with very little access to such industries other than what was on T.V., and instead chose to rely on her inner fashionista to guide her.

So how did the 28-year-old create a sanctuary of apparel with top-notch designs accompanied with no formal education, you ask?

Faith, determination and vision, that’s how.

Bradley nearly lost herself while overcoming the weight of risking it all to follow her dream. Now she is overcoming her fears daily and creating new pathways of fashion and entrepreneurship for women in her community and abroad.

I had a chance to sit down and talk to the boutique-owner and lover of everything pink. She shared her journey, inspirations and advice for success.

Brittney Bradley B's boutique

Tell us about yourself?

“I am just a girl from a small town who has a dream and a vision. B ‘s Boutique started from a simple conversation and I have worked tirelessly to bring it to reality. I’m no extraordinary woman, but I do have an extraordinary will to succeed. That has been my personality my entire life. No matter what I’ve gone through I always get up and just keep going.”

You mentioned that you’re a small-town girl, so what makes you a fashionista?

“Yes, I did grow up in Youngstown, Ohio (or the “YO” as we natives like to call it). It is very small town, and I lived with my grandmother and my older sister. We didn’t’ have much money to splurge on fashion. So, I decided that I’d bring my own sense of eccentricity and creativity to the table. For me, that’s enough. My definition of fashion and style is what leads me and I think that’s why my customers enjoy wearing my clothes: they relate to that.

What is B’s Boutique, and how did you get into fashion?

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“B’s Boutique is a specialty store that is both a storefront located at 6418 Market Street in Boardman, Ohio, and a place for women of all walks of life. We offer apparel that can be purchased online and in store, and provide apparel for just about any occasion, from a night on the town to everyday wear. I got into fashion by accident. I mean, I was always the go-to girl styling my friends and family when we’d go to the mall so it just kind of came naturally.”

How did you feel when you finally opened the doors to your customers?

“My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I didn’t really sleep much because I had so many worries mixed with excitement, you know. I worked so hard for this, but you’re always wondering if people are really going to support you and what you have to offer.”

Who inspires you?

I always say my older cousin Kristin Scott-Biggs (owner of candle shop Gifts From a Virgo) inspires me. She was always grinding. I was there from the beginning and watched how she started from nothing and just grew her business. It made me want better for myself and made me believe that I could really do anything that I want in life.”

Brittney Bradley B's boutique

What’s the best and most challenging part of owning your boutique?

“The best part of owning my own boutique is not having to go and buy clothes anymore. I can just wear what’s in my store, and the most challenging part of owning my business is getting out there and getting traffic into the store. I have to keep giving my customers a reason to come back so I can never get comfortable.”

What advice do you have for other millennial women who want to follow in your footsteps?

“I think the best advice I could give another millennial woman is to always, and I do mean always believe in yourself and trust your vision. If you believe that you can do it, then, do it, but it won’t be easy. It’s a challenge every day, but you have to remember to never give up. I also can’t emphasize enough, the value of doing research on the industry. There are no short cuts so the more you know, the better.”

What legacy would you like to leave behind?

“I want to be known as a woman who gave it her all and used every skill and talent she had to follow her dreams and inspired others to do the same. I just want people to know that anything that they’re willing to work for is actually possible.”

For more information follow B’s Boutique online via Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat @bsboutique.

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