How to Have Better Skin From the Inside Out

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Skincare is hard, and it is something that becomes even more challenging as you get older. I remember my skin being flawless when I was a teenager regardless of what I did or ate. Now at the ripe old age of 29, taking care of my skin is something I’ve had to work at. And I try hard not to revert to make up every time I’m having a skin issue on my face since I want my skin to look good long after I tire of makeup. (Makeup is  perfect for now BTW ☺️)

This post has been sponsored by the PRIMP Network. All opinions are my own

Me with better skin in makeup
Photo by. Tatum Forbes

So what’s a girl to do to keep her skincare regimen on point? The secret is to make sure your routine starts with what you put in your body as well as what you put on your skin. Check out my tips below on how to keep your skin healthy as you get older.

Eat Superfoods for Better Skin on the Regular

super foods always lead to better skin
Photo by. Markus Spiske

Better skin starts from the inside. In the book, Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out: Discover Secrets to a Slimmer, Sexier, and Healthier You, by JJ Smith, she said that your skin is a good indicator of if something is not functioning properly on the inside. That stuck with me and made me realize how important it is to ensure we are getting enough of the right nutrients in our bodies, and superfoods are an excellent way to get some great nutrients.

A few foods that better your skin include but are not limited to:

  • Kidney Beans
  • Walnuts
  • Pomegranates
  • Green Tea

Vegetables, nuts, and fruits with bright colors are typically loaded with nutrients and flavonoids that make for healthy, better skin.

Drink Lots of Water

Our bodies are made up of 80% water, and your skin is your biggest organ, so drink up! When your skin isn;t getting enough water it will begin to show. Your lips will chap, your skin will be dry, tight and flaky and since dry skin is less resilient, that means it is more likely to wrinkle. My advice? Just get your eight glasses of water for the day and quit fooling around. Your skin and the rest of your organs will thank you for it.

Start a Skin Care Regimen That Works from the Inside Out

Now that you are putting the right things in your body let’s talk about better skin care products that improve your skin from the inside out. I have tried MANY a skincare product, and I have never seen anything quite like the BeBella®’s skincare line. It is an advanced probiotic oral and topical anti-aging skin care products that are pretty amazing. What makes them unique is their patented anti-aging ingredients: Probiotic + Yeast Propagate Technology.

BeBe & Bella is a company created by women for women, and like us, the BeBe & Bella squad faces the same daily stresses as we all do.  They understand that the stresses related to balancing family, life, and career can take a toll on our health and our appearance. That’s why they created a product line that addresses caring for both our health and appearance.

BeBe & Bella for Better skin

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BeBella®’s skin-friendly yeast complex encourages faster cell turnover, enhances the skin’s protective moisture barrier, and fights off free radicals. Lactobacillus Before is a probiotic amino acid polypeptide that hydrates and exfoliates the skin as well as evens out skin tone and complexion. Unlike most skincare products, this line comes with oral supplements that provide maximum antioxidant effects, adds collagen to the skin, and nourishes and hydrates your skin from the inside out. 

BeBe & Bella for Better skin

I have talked about the benefits of Probiotics extensively before since they are well-known for their benefits in balancing the digestive system. When probiotics are applied topically, they also encourage faster cell turnover, enhance the skin’s protective moisture barrier, and reverse photodamage to the skin. The BeBella® line is water-based and contains neither sulfates nor added fragrances or coloring. The oral supplements amplify overall health benefits to the skin when used in tandem with the topical products.

BeBe & Bella for Better skin

How does it all work? I’m glad you asked! After cleansing your face, you should use the complete line of BeBella® products, in a particular layering order. The Japanese method of layering dictates a sequence of the goods applied to the skin in order of recommended use. The recommended use of BeBella® products is as follows: Facial Cleanser, then Toner, Facial Essence, followed by the Eye Cream and then finishing with the Hydrating Night Cream. I’ve been using these products myself and loved the simplicity of them all and I have even been flaunting my clear skin, which leads me to my next point…

Go Makeup Free Every Now and Again

BeBe & Bella for Better skin
A makeup-free selfie of me before I used BeBella®

I think it’s pretty important to go bare-faced every now and again. I spent New Years Eve makeup-free, and I’ll be honest it felt nice going bare-faced for a change. I think going without makeup gives your skin a chance to breathe and to get a look at what you look like without the makeup. I just made sure to pluck my brows and add a little moisturizer to my face, and it was a done deal.

Prior to my BeBella®’s regimen, I wouldn’t have even thought about going to an evening event makeup-free. Check out my before and after photos after only a few weeks between each other. I noticed that my complexion evened out and all the small bumps on my forehead seemed to disappear. I think these products are awesome and I have even convinced my sister to start using them as well :D.

BeBe & Bella for Better skin
Chris and I at New Years

As I mentioned before, your skin is the largest organ on your body, so take care of it! Keep it moisturized, drink enough water, and make sure you are getting your nutrients. I think the BeBella® regimen will become a part of my routine in the new year, and it should be a part of yours too! If you want to try out these products for yourself, you can get them by going here. I also have a special promo code to get 20% off! Just use PRIMP20 when you check out for your discount.

What are some of your skincare routines you practice to keep your skin healthy and supple as you get older? Let me know in the comments!

This post has been sponsored by the PRIMP Network. All opinions are my own.


The Good-Skin Diet: 10 Foods for Healthier Skin

The Benefits of Drinking Water for Your Skin

Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out: Discover Secrets to a Slimmer, Sexier, and Healthier You, by JJ Smith

BeBella® Products

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