Tips on How to Pick the Right Glasses Frame for Your Face

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Making sure that you pick the right glasses frame style for your face shape is important, but it shouldn’t be an overwhelming or confusing task. Most people’s faces come in one of three shapes: round, square, or rectangular.

The general consensus is that those with round faces should steer clear of angular frames as these will elongate the features and make the face appear even rounder.

People who have square faces can pull off any type of eyeglasses frame–as long as they take into consideration the width of their chin and mouth so that they don’t end up accentuating those features too much.

Rectangular-shaped faces are often best suited to square and rectangular frames because these types will balance out any strong lines. Here are a few tips for the right frame style for your face.

Determine Which Face Shape You Have

It’s important to know what face shape you have so you can get the right frame style. Round faces are usually widest at cheekbones and taper towards the chin. While oval faces are rounded but still longer than wide. Square faces are widest at the jawline and taper towards the chin.

By knowing what your face shape is, it will help you pick the right glasses, thus, achieving your desired look.

Picking the Right Glasses for: A Round Face

There are many different ways to frame a round face shape. A round face can be one of the hardest face shapes to work with because it doesn’t have any defined features, other than having slightly wider cheeks. However, this can be countered with certain frame shapes that will give your face more angles and highlights that may not be present on other face shapes.

There are two main types of frames for round faces: “faces frames” and “rounds frames”. Faces frames are typically wider than they are tall. With these types of frames, the width of the glasses should be more than halfway down your nose bridge. Rounded frames are taller than they are wide and on these types of glasses, the height should be exactly halfway down your nose bridge.

Picking the Right Glasses for: A Heart-Shaped Face

When the shape of your face is heart-shaped, you can wear any type of glasses! A heart-shaped face has more balanced proportions and this means that most glasses will be suitable.

So, what are the best frames for that shape? Since there are many different shapes of glasses that can work on heart-shaped faces, the key is to find a pair that doesn’t interrupt the length of your forehead or chin while also complementing your eye shape and hair color. Some options include round lenses, rectangular lenses, or cat eyeglasses.

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Picking the Right Glasses for: An Oval Face Shape

If you have an oval-shaped face, you may want to wear either oval-shaped or round glasses frames. Oval face frames can be either angular or curvy. These will help to disguise sharp jawlines and soften the shape of the face.

An angular frame is best for someone with a more triangular chin and straight nose while a curvy frame works well for someone with more curves in their face.

Some people think that the best frame for an oval-shaped face is one that is round or has round features like temple arms or wire temples because they make it seem smaller. So, if you want to make your already small-looking face look even smaller, choose one with sharp features like squared temples.

Framing a Square Face Shape

If your face is square-shaped, then you need frames that match the squareness of your face. If your face is long and narrow, you should go for frames with a wider border and a little bit of roundness to suit the angles of your face.

We all have different facial structures and hence different needs. It’s important to know that there are so many different shapes for frames available nowadays! Knowing the shape that suits you will help you in choosing a pair of glasses that are perfect for you.

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