4 Tips to Finding a Job When You Have a Criminal Record

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Searching for a job isn’t the easiest thing in the world, especially when you have a criminal record. But there are plenty of helpful resources out there these days that can assist you!

Whether it’s a job search board or professional careers advice, most people can find a job if they look hard enough and are dedicated in their pursuit of work.

Is It Possible to Find a Job?

Many employers try to avoid hiring criminals for various reasons. Having a criminal record often limits your career choices and puts a stain on your personal record, which is why people are less likely to hire you over a candidate with a clean record. Even if you have more skill and experience than the person with a clean record, employers can be strict in their policies against hiring anyone with a criminal record.

searching for a job with a criminal record

But with that said, not all employers will reject you based on past or even current convictions. Many employers sympathize with their candidates, including those with a criminal record.

Unfortunately, no laws prevent someone from refusing you based on your criminal record. Employers have every right to refuse anyone, even if they are perfect candidates.

In short, yes, you can get a job. But the chances of you getting one will be slim compared to someone with a clean record.

Why Do Employers Search for Criminal Records?

Employers can perform a background check on you. Mostly to see if you have a criminal record or anything else that could change their minds about hiring you. If you’re concerned about what your record shows, then you can actually view and update your own record if needed.

This is a good idea if you’re uncertain about your background and want to appeal to something that could be preventing you from being hired.

Cleaning Your Criminal Record

If you find that you have a criminal record that is detrimental to your job search, then you can use the clean slate law to clear it. This law allows anyone with old or minor offenses to clean their record.

getting your criminal record cleaned is possible

Which can, essentially, give them a blank slate to work with. This can help a lot with job searching and maybe the assistance you need to finally get back on track with a career.

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Don’t Get Discouraged!

It’s important not to be discouraged by your job search. There are loads of employers out there that understand your position. And will even favor you over other candidates that are likely to have better opportunities.

Don’t let your criminal record get to your head; as long as you’re dedicated and honest about your record and willing to change, opportunities will be available to you.

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