Do You Dare To Go Commando?

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Being an independent adult is very new to me. I’ve recently began living on my own and with that, comes with having to buy my own things. So, of course, I have a lot of different questions. However, I have finally discovered the answer to two of them that have been on my mind for a while: 1. What kind of toilet paper did my mom buy and 2. Do I have to wear underwear with my new spandex workout clothes, or can I go commando? Now that I’ve been living without my mum for about seven months now, I have figured out some of life’s smaller—but common—mysteries!

So What Kind Of Toilet Paper Did Your Mom Buy?

I still have no idea! The easiest thing for me to do would be to just call her and ask, “Hey, what kind of TP have you bought throughout my entire life?” But no. Even down to the toilet paper, I like to figure things out on my own…for better…or worse.

Meme expressing frustration about toilet paper and debating going commando

So, of course, when you are finally out on your own, the last thing you worry about is toilet paper. I just grabbed the cheapest pack and went with it. Wrong. Don’t do that. Ever. I seriously felt like the guy in the picture above. Now, a few months later and a few months wiser (and with a lot of trial and error), I think I’ve finally found my perfect TP match!

My New Fav Is Definitely Cottonelle

Cottonelle toilet paper and dispenser will make you feel so clean, you'll want to go commando

Cottonelle CleanCare Toilet Paper with CleanRipple Texture and the FreshCare Flushable Cleansing Cloths Upright Dispenser. Phew! That is a lot to say! But this is it. The real deal. I love this toilet paper because it doesn’t rip or disintegrate into a big, wadded mess. The wipes were new to me. I’ve always figured that wipes were only used for newborns and toddlers. But why? I’d like to have a nice clean bum after using the restroom! And after using these wipes, I feel really feel shower clean! I don’t know why we stop using wipes, ever.

Don’t Just Take My Word For It

girl doing yoga commando

In honor if International Yoga Day on June 21st, you could get some awesome free stuff so you can figure out if you like Cottonelle on your own! Get a free sample with the “Go Commando” kit! But do it asap because the quantity is very limited! No worries if you are not able to get them. Once all of the samples are gone, there will be awesome coupons so you can buy your own if you really like them! Cottonelle products arm you with the confidence and liberation you need to #GoCommando in your favorite workout outfit, because nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher! They are all about celebrating feeling fresh, clean, confident, and happy by going commando! It’s the true definition of feeling confident in your clean.

Please remember that these wipes are intended only for bathroom use. Do not use on you face, hands, etc!

So millennials, do you dare to “Go Commando”?

Go Cottonelle, go commando
Sponsored Post about going commando on behalf of Cottonelle

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