How To Create A Successful Online Learning Course

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How To Create A Successful Online Learning Course

If you have a lot of knowledge on a subject that you think people would find valuable, you might be considering creating an online learning course for them. It’s a great way to make money and help others at the same time.

But how do you get started?

Everybody wants their course to be as successful as possible, but there are lots of options out there. That is why we’re going to give you some advice on how to create one that everyone will want to take. If you follow these tips, you are sure to see great results and have a good source of passive income.

Use a plagiarism checker 

When you have written the script for your online learning course, make sure you run it through a plagiarism checker. While you may never intentionally rip off other people on the internet, it is very easy to accidentally use the same phrase that someone else has. Plagiarizing is taboo, not to mention illegal—you will suffer if you copy other people. We suggest getting a report from Scribbrtheir plagiarism reports are good value and very thorough.

Perfect your content

The single most important thing you need to do is perfect your content. No matter how many people look at purchase your course, no matter how good your sales techniques are, it doesn’t matter if your content is rubbish. Content will always be king.

When you have written your script, go over it as many times as necessary. Remove the bits that aren’t needed, elaborate on important parts. Improve your vocabulary or dumb it down if it is too complicated. It’s essential to edit heavily before publishing because you don’t want to have to redo it.

laptop, mouse, phone, and scissors at desk in front of window

Aid knowledge retention

The main goal of your online learning course is to teach others; so, it makes sense to check up on their understanding throughout the course continually. Gauging their knowledge retention means you’ll have an accurate evaluation of the effectiveness of your course in real-time. Which will highlight the areas you may need to change or adapt for better understanding.

Breaking up the course with a test or writing assignment at the end of each module will not only help your e-students see how much progress they’re making but also stop them from getting bored. Consider including some simple true or false questions, interactive quizzes that use audio or video footage, or timed questions to keep them on their toes. 

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Make it exciting

Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter if the content of your class is the most incredible of its kind—if it’s boring, no one will listen (and you won’t make any money). Your presentation can’t be dull, monotonous, and unappealing, or no one will appreciate it. When you build your online course, keep it easy to follow and visually appealing. Include easy-to-read fonts, complementary colors, multimedia features, and of course, plenty of interactive elements. All of this will help keep participants engaged and interested. 

Go beyond the facts

It is sometimes difficult to retain information is data or fact-heavy, and often even more challenging to apply it in real life. People learn best when they know why information is important or relevant to them. When creating your class, consider stepping beyond the facts and including other multimedia elements to keep your students engaged. Consider including relevant news features or interviews with people at the heart of your topic.

For example, a first aid e-learning course that includes interviews with patients and responders sharing their experiences will support learning better than a catalog of facts and statistics.

person typing on laptop

Give it a Test Run

After you have filmed your course, give it to at least ten close people you know for free. Ask them to watch it so they can provide you with feedback and tell them to be brutally honest about it. They need to tell you where it dragged, where it was too difficult, and where it was outright boring. This can be hard, but 100% necessary. 

After your test run with your close friends and family, make changes as needed. Don’t just ignore all of those great comments! Then, do another test run. This time send your course to ten people who you do not know well and ask for their brutally honest criticism. Hopefully, after your first run, you will have changed the sticking points, but be prepared, the criticism from this run might be a lot harsher. 

Rinse and repeat this stage with new people until you are receiving a lot less criticism. When that happens, your online learning course will be edited to a much higher standard.

Build an email list

Email is probably the hardest, but most successful way to sell your course. If you are good at creating sales funnels and cold email campaigns, great. If not, we suggest you consult with someone who is. The upfront cost will be returned to you many times over if you pick the right marketer. In a study done by Shopify, the research suggested that email campaigns are 4,800% more effective than paid ads. Those numbers can’t be ignored.

Upload and Share Your Class

Once you’ve gone through all these steps, you’re finally ready to upload and share your online learning course and watch the cash roll in! We recommend using Udemy as your platform. They are a


There we have it! Hopefully, you have learned some great tips here for building your online learning course from conception to content, to marketing. E-learning is a great way to earn money from your knowledge. We wish you the best of luck!




How To Create A Successful Online Learning Course

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