Women’s Appreciation Series Trainer and Super-Mom Jacquie Rabinowitz!
Jacquie Rabinowitz can do it all! She’s a mother of three, a wife, and an amazing inspirational personal trainer!
“Always surround yourself with dreamers and believers.”
Growing up in an organic household, health and fitness were always very important to me. After giving birth to my first daughter I realized a healthy life was a must – I wanted to create a home for my daughter that was as healthy as I had control of. I made all her baby food from scratch and adapted an even healthier lifestyle than before – frequenting acupuncture, juice bars, and always making sure there was time for the gym. As time went on I had two more children – it became even more important that I stayed clean with my diet and exercise as I needed to juggle three little ones! (Chloe 5, Reece, 4 Brody 2)
After Brody I was exhausted! Running around with two children in school and a newborn I was relying on caffeine to get me through the day. I knew I didn’t feel right. I didn’t want to NEED coffee, I wanted to enjoy it! So I had some testing done. I found I was gluten intolerant and lactose intolerant. Once we cleared those things up, I was feeling like my old self! Now the real challenge came when my son become 2 – I knew I was a wife, a daughter, a friend, and a Mother but WHO WAS I?? What did I want out of this life? What was my calling? So I decided to do some soul searching – I started to make time for me not just gym time but a few minutes each morning to light a candle and meditate – to write down the thoughts that came to my head. Each day I did this I felt more at peace with myself. I continued my healthy diet – gave up the demons in my head who said couldn’t and started to make goals and dreams for me – for Jacquie! I started writing this emotions and quotes on Facebook and I started to see a wonderful response; people liked what I wrote. Hearing that I made someone’s day – or how that helped someone who was feeling down or made them stop to think for a minute, made a HUGE impact on me. It hit home – THIS IS WHAT I WANTED TO DO. I want to help people- I want people to feel this peace that I feel, I want them to feel happy, to feel confident. During this time I still needed to push myself and do something for me so I decided I was going to try to do a fitness photo shoot. I was surrounded by the most wonderful supportive women who believed in me when I didn’t and pushed me to a place I never thought I would ever be! I felt on top of the world. I wanted to help others feel this way, maybe not a photo shoot, but the feeling that I felt of pride and confidence; I wanted to bottle and sell it to all the women I know! I finally knew who I was, what made me tick and I felt so connected to my own inner self!
I was never a “student” but decided to study and take my personal training exam (which was difficult with three kids at home, moving a house and being a wife. but I did it. I proved to myself I could do it.)
I am on this road to inner peace and I want others to join me. How do we get other women to not judge, to look at each other and be uplifting? It is not the size of their jeans, its road they have traveled and the story each one of us has to tell. LET’S WORK off that! Let’s praise each other for the hard work. Hey, it might not be a marathon, but running 2 extra minutes on a treadmill! What an accomplishment! We need to start being proud of one another as a whole – it starts with each one of us.
Remember STOP LOOKING AT your fitness and way of eating as a DIET. No, it’s a way of life. When you stop looking at food as the enemy as ugh I am deprived and started looking at the nutrition and how each food gives you the energy you need to be the best you can be – then you will see results. Listen, we all fall off the bandwagon – it’s how you get back on that counts. Start loving your body. So many women (hey me included) would spend hours upon hours obsessing about our appearance. Do I look fat? Do my legs look big? Think about the minutes and hours and days that are lost and we will never get it back. Instead, take those moments and workout. Don’t obsess, go do something.
What advice can you offer for young women trying to find themselves and what makes them happy?
Always surround yourself with dreamers and believers. Align yourself with people that will be uplifting and rid yourself of negativity. You will be amazed by how much happier you are. Don’t waste your time talking about others; gossip and cattiness pull so much energy from our souls. Be happy with who you are, know at night you can rest your head easy. Not everyone will agree with you, people might even try to sway you from your “new” way of life, but stay focused and remove those people from your life. Remember your real friends will not judge you because you are not drinking, or because you are spending quality time with yourself. Remember you get one shot at this life, try to make it the best. Make each moment count. Don’t waste it on negativity. We all have bad days, the past is the past, but today is a new day. Start fresh, do not obsess and always remember Life by the inch is a cinch life by the MILE is HARD!
What is the most rewarding aspect of living a healthy lifestyle?
The most rewarding aspect of a healthy life-style is knowing that I always have the energy to do what I want to do throughout my day. To be able to keep up with my children because I have fueled my body the proper way; there are so many factors in this world we can’t control, however, eating healthy and exercising are two things I can control.
Did you always know that you wanted to inspire others?
Ever since I was younger I loved helping others. I wanted to always lead by example. It wasn’t until after the birth of my third child that I had an AH HA moment and decided to soul search and figure out what I wanted out of this life. The one chance that we get here, how was I going to make my mark on this world? Not as a mother, not as a wife, not as a daughter or friend, but as ME! After starting this journey and feeling the pure contentment with myself and inner BLISS, the waking up so happy and excited for each moment I had here, to be awake to be alive, to BE ALIVE! I wanted to help others feel the same way! Imagine a world where people, especially women, uplifted one another. A world that was judgment free. I just wanted to share this with as many people as would listen.
What are some of the motivational tactics you use as a personal trainer to inspire your clients?
Tactics I use to motivate others are basically telling them my experiences. I tell them how I am feeling. I do not feel I know everything or that I am always right. I do know that I feel wonderful from the inside out. I was blessed by knowing one of the most inspiring beautiful woman who unfortunately was taken way too soon from us. However, her Love of Life inspired me. Every morning I try to write down a quote or something that I am feeling after my morning meditation and through that I hope that one part touches someone. I hope it makes them think even for a few moments how to live their life the best they can. I try to help others realize that it is not the size of your jeans (yes we all want to be the fittest we can be, and rock that little black dress) however, love the body you are given! If you are working hard and eating right then be gracious for the strength your body gives you. It isn’t the size of your jeans that defines you. If you’re killing yourself to be a zero what difference does it make if you are miserable. Confidence is the sexiest item women could wear!
Being a mother of three, especially three toddlers, is a full time job already. How are you able to keep a steady and healthy lifestyle while managing all of their activities?
Preparation – preparation – preparation! Some call it OCD, I call it MOMMY SANITY. Every Sunday I cook for the week, all my meals are measured out and stacked in my fridge so there is never any room for excuses that I don’t have something healthy to grab since most meals are in my CAR! I pack a bag in the morning with all my meals, extra water and yes, a coffee! I make sure when planning my week with kids, husband and friends that in my calendar I schedule my workouts, If they are in the book it’s no different than having a meeting. It is so important as a mother and wife to make sure you make YOU TIME. It doesn’t have to be a three hour stint at the gym. Go for 30 minutes; make it worth your time! Sometimes I need to move my workouts to 5:45am or 8pm, but I get it done. Mentally it’s an escape for me. I use it as my therapy. If you keep pushing yourself to the side eventually something will give. You need to be the strongest version of you so that you can then give 110 percent to your children and husband.
Children can be so picky, how do you encourage and persuade your little ones to eat all the healthy food kids are notorious for disliking?
I have three very different eaters. Reece is unbelievable and will eat anything. She always reaches for fruit before junk. Brody also loves his fruit and Chloe, if it is white she will eat it! So each meal can be challenging. I used to make 4-5 different meals then I lost my sanity. They know with each meal we always have a fruit and veggie and you must eat the good stuff before a treat (Thanks Mom!). I try to lead by example. They see me eating healthy and will say “what’s that?” and “why do you eat that?” So I tell them that I need energy for the day and that I want a strong mind and body so that I can accomplish all I need to do. I have also found it very helpful to allow them to help me in the kitchen (using kid-safe knives). I have them chop the veggies and fruit and constantly encourage them to make the healthier choices (and trust me a few candies definitely sneak in!)
How do you try and inspire others in your day-to-day life?
Every day is a chance for you to make a difference in someone’s life. It could be as small as a smile to a stranger or holding the door for someone. I feel that the smallest acts of kindness, if spread through each person, can make the world a better place. I also believe you need to share your dreams and goals with others. I tell people to set a mini goal and a MINI dream and share it with others. You are one step closer to obtaining your goals by sharing your it with others.
Are there any obstacles in your life that you have overcome that made you grow into the person you are today?
I am a woman and each day we are faced with obstacles. However, growing up like most girls, I was very self-conscious. I had an amazing upbringing and a strong, confident mother and grandmother. However, our minds are our own worst enemy. I had a love-hate relationship with food and my body. We all judge ourselves too hard (Hey, I still do!) but after the birth of my children, I realized I need to create a vision for them where they love their bodies. I also was always so self-conscious about what other women thought about me: were they looking at me? I had strong legs, I was a figure skater growing up, but always wanted thinner legs and finally one day I said enough. You will never have thin legs, you are strong, you are muscular, now, BE THE BEST ME I CAN BE! Do I still struggle at times? Yes, we all do, we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t! So each day I look in the mirror and am thankful that I have a strong body, a clear mind and an open heart. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget to be grateful for what we have in front of us, what we have been blessed with!
What is your best or favorite tip to give someone who is struggling with living the healthy life?
The best advice I can tell someone is stop doing it for someone else. This is not a diet or a fad, this is a way of life. Make one small change a day, heck even a week. One of my trainers always says this isn’t a sprint this is a marathon and it’s true. You will fall off the bandwagon, you will slip up, it’s how you recover that counts. That you don’t let the vacation eating and vegging out turn into a lifestyle. You live ONCE and heck, I want to make this the best life ever. Enjoy the vacations, but always go back and refocus: write your goals down on a piece of paper, DON’T MAKE HUGE goals you will have a hard time keeping, just something as simple as I will get to the gym three times this week. But hold yourself accountable. When you learn to be accountable you are on the right track.
Always remember attack each day with a smile and positive attitude and positivity will surround you. Don’t take life too seriously. Laugh, smile and be kind to others! It will always come back around! Each morning, wake and tell yourself you will be better than you were yesterday. Always set mini goals for yourself! And remember this is your life – Make the best of it!