4 Tips to Follow After You Suffer From an Injury at Work

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At the very least you should expect to be safe at work. Your employer has a duty of care to keep you protected from harm. It’s why they invest in insurance and it’s also why they put up CCTV cameras. However, accidents do happen. And when they do, you should know what to do so that you can recover as quickly as possible. 

Dealing with an injury at work is not always overcome by a worker’s compensation lawyer. But they are handy to have when you need advice. Below, we’ve got some tips for you so that you know how to handle that injury at work.

#1: Report the Injury to Your Employer

As soon as you have been injured you need to tell somebody about it. Talk to your direct manager, and speak to the person who is in charge of accidents and first aid in your office.

But those accidents are not always minor and even the most minor ones do need to be looked at. You should also ensure that your injury has been recorded in the accident books in your company, if you can ensure that you get a copy of the report, you’ll know that it was properly recorded.

#2: Get Some Medical Attention

Even if you do see a first aid specialist at your office, you should speak to a doctor or go to the emergency room. If you need to go to the hospital immediately, take a colleague with you and make sure that somebody has called for an ambulance.

Make sure you visit the doctor immediately

You need to ensure that you are checked out properly so that if there are any more serious issues they can be looked at straight away. Assessing your injuries and evaluating them is the best course of action to help with your recovery.

#3: Secure the Evidence

When you’ve had an injury, it’s a good idea to make sure that you have a record of exactly what’s happened. We already talked about the accident book.

But there are more things you can do here. Such as getting access to CCTV footage in areas that are covered with CCTV and asking others to have a witness for you.

#4: Speak to A Lawyer ASAP

You might not directly bring a case to your employer. But you should also know that you cannot be fired for making a claim in the first place. If your injury in your workplace was your employer’s fault. Especially through lack of maintenance or negligence with your training, you might be able to make a trade for compensation.

Meet with a lawyer ASAP when you suffer an injury at work

It might make you feel anxious to take legal action. It’s understandable that you might worry about your relationship. But you also need to consider your costs incurred because of an injury at their workplace.

When you don’t take legal action, you will be liable for costs. And you’ll be living out of pocket while you’re off work and dealing with a whole host of side effects.

Injuries at work are not easy to handle, but now you know the best tips start off with!

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  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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