How to Give Yourself a Glow Up: 4 Tips on Transforming into Your Best Self
Whether after a long few months at work, a breakup, or a period of just feeling a little low, it’s not uncommon to want to work on yourself in one way or another. Enter the glow-up. To give yourself a glow up is not a strict formula; there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to being the best version of yourself.
Whether you’ve found yourself Googling ‘breast enlargement in Melbourne,’ ‘top ten ways to be more productive,’ or ‘local social clubs,’ there are plenty of things you can do, cheap and expensive, small and significant, that might help you feel like you’ve leveled yourself up. What this means is up to you; it might focus on appearance, career, or your social life, or it could be a combination of all these. Whatever it is, you might find some helpful tips in this list to help you get to the transformation you’ve been looking for.
Indulge in retail therapy.
A new outfit really can make all the difference. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy; even just one piece could make you feel brand new. If you don’t want to spend the money, do a little shopping in your wardrobe. Pull out the things you don’t wear often, try them on, and style them differently; you might find that you love them again. New clothes or new ways of wearing your clothes can boost your confidence in a way that not much else can.
“Look good, feel good” is a cliché for a reason; it’s not about being the most stylish person at the office or getting the most likes on Instagram; it’s about making yourself feel confident in the clothes you wear and the image you present of yourself. Give it a go and see what a little wardrobe refresh could do for you — it might be more than you expect.
Consider your social circle.
Surrounding yourself with people who share your values and lift you is vital to your self-esteem. Consider whether the people around you fit into this: Do you enjoy being around them? Do they celebrate your wins? Do they care about the things you care about?
Additionally, reflect on how you spend your time with your friends. If your social life revolves around partying, there’s nothing wrong with that, but is there also room for meaningful time spent together? Do you have people to lean on when times are tough, or do you need a quiet night? If you second-guessed your answer to any of these questions, it might be time to think about distancing yourself or expanding your circle.
Jump into healthier habits.
Your exercise, mental health, and eating habits are crucial to how you feel mentally and physically. Among many benefits, physical movement plays a role in mobility, fitness, and energy levels. It also improves sleep and can benefit mental health significantly. While you’re looking after yourself physically, make sure to look out for yourself mentally, too. Talk to a professional, practice mindfulness, and do whatever helps you feel your strongest mentally.
Similarly, ensuring a healthy and balanced diet is critical to maintaining a healthy immune system, looking after your body, keeping energy levels, and improving mental clarity. Nobody’s saying you have pizza night — we all know comfort food can be just as crucial for our well-being — but ensure you’re getting all those essential nutrients into your diet. The physical and mental benefits of physical activity, mental health care, and a balanced diet are almost guaranteed to have you glowing even a little brighter in no time.
Boost your confidence.
Confidence is subjective, but whatever it means to you is an important consideration when working towards a transformation. For one person, confidence might be physical; it might mean undertaking cosmetic procedures, investing in brand-new skincare, or working towards a specific body type in the gym. To another, it might be more internal, focusing on being more assured of yourself in professional settings or putting yourself out there in social situations.
Whatever boosts your confidence, push yourself towards it as part of your glow-up. Confidence is everything regarding how you feel about yourself, and that’s all a glow-up is about.
If you feel like you need to change things up, these are just a few ways you could consider starting. Try one or all of the above and see what works for you — it might just change your life.