Fitness Instructor Courses – The Stepping Stones to a Career in the Fitness Industry


If you have always wanted to take up a career where you can make a difference to the lives of ExcersizeClassthe people you interact with, there can be nothing better than the health and fitness industry. In recent years there has been a lot of focus on the need for a healthy lifestyle so that not only people perform better in their jobs but also are able to avoid a number of diseases that are a direct result of lack of proper fitness. The increased attention on health and fitness has opened up lots of opportunities for qualified personnel in a number of profiles that range from gym instructors to personal trainers and dietitians.

Why A Career in Fitness?

The many dimensions of the fitness industry opens up a large number of opportunities for careers for those who have a passion for fitness and believe that they can assist people who have fitness concerns. It is a great opportunity to help people realize their fitness goals and in the process change their lives forever. There are many dimensions of the fitness industry. Contrary to popular belief, it is not only about building bulging muscles for wannabe bodybuilders but dealing with problems faced by people who want to lose weight, overcome pre and post-natal complications, recover from serious injury or illness, seek nutritionally balanced diets, etc. You have the option to take up employment in a fitness center or a boot camp or become an entrepreneur by establishing your very own fitness business. If you are professionally-qualified and have the right technical and people skills, you can enjoy a fulfilling and lucrative career indeed.

Getting the Proper Certification

The fitness industry is growing exponentially all over the world, and particularly in the United States. Even though the market is booming and it is relatively easy to make a career in the fitness sector, you need to have more than just a passion for fitness to be successful in this intensely competitive sector. You need to back up your interest by enrolling in a physical fitness training course and obtaining the level of certification that you are aiming for. You will encounter a vast assortment of training courses and certifications once you begin to scout around, but among the most popular are American Council on Exercise (ACE), National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). The complete guide of becoming a personal trainer by Examiner offers detailed resources on the merits of all the certifications.

However, to attend a training course and acquire any of these certifications, you need to be at least 18 years of age and be conversant with procedures such as Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). These, however can be obtained relatively easily from the Red Cross or a community program. To qualify, ACSM, NSCA, and ISSA require participants to have passed high school or have a General Educational Development (GED).

Study Materials and Resources

Each certification organization offers a differently-structured course program and study materials. It is usual to find the course being covered through personal contact classes as well as through online modules that help you to prepare for the tests and exam reviews. Each course will be overseen by Study Counselors who will be readily available to answer queries by course participants and to motivate them to achieve their certification goals. Each of the organizations that offer fitness certifications have an evolved system of course materials and study programs that comprise conventional books, online tutorials, study guides, interactive Q&A sessions, practice examinations, reference DVDs and flash cards as well as live workshops that enable participants to draw inspiration from not only their tutors but also from their fellow participants. By the time the participants have undertaken the full course they will know and understand the science of bodily movement, and human anatomy as well as how to perform functional assessments of their clients. They will also be adept in creating custom training fitness programs for clients as well as demonstrating how to properly exercise and making dietary recommendations after analyzing the nutritional requirements of the customers.


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