City of Heavenly Fire Book Review

A YA urban Fantasy book, Cassandra Clare’s City of Heavenly Fire follows Clary Morgenstern and her friends who—with the exception of a vampire and a warlock—are Shadowhunters, humans with angel blood who protect the world from demons and keep the Downworlders (werewolves, vampire, faries, and so on) from hurting mundanes, people who don’t know about the Shadowhunter world. For a thousand years they’ve kept the world safe, but now they face their most dangerous enemy yet: themselves.

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Photo Credit: Unsplash

Clary’s brother, Jonathan Morgenstern, or “Sebastian”, is using the Infernal Cup to turn Shadowhunters into Endarkened. These once proud people become mindless warriors who obey Sebastian’s every command. Faster and stronger then the Shadowshunters, the Endarkened have a dangerous advantage: they look like the Shadowhunters they used to be. Shadowhunters hesitate to attack their turned loved one and want to capture them instead, hoping a cure will be found—a deadly mistake.

Sebastian attacks several institutes, looking for more Shadowhunters to turn. In response, the Shadowerhunters flee to Idris, their home city, to protect themselves, leaving the mundane world unprotected and the Downworlders unsupervised. Plotting a counter-measure and trying to discover Sebastian’s location, the Shadowhutners quickly discover there is no safe place. Now Clary must find a way to defeat her brother before he destroys the Shadowhunters and then the world.

The Shadowhunters greatest hope lies inside Jace Herondale, who has heavenly fire in his blood. Unfortunately, Jace is 17-year-old boy who has no idea how to control this power and fears he might want to rule the world himself. He, his girlfriend Clary, and their friends Simon, Isabelle, Alec, and Magnus, return for one last adventure, facing their relationships and insecurities and their past and future collide.

The six book series ends in a beautifully written and heartbreaking final novel. Betrayal and death await these beloved characters, and they face the impossible and try to save their race. Anyone who enjoys a gripping story, a well-developed world, relatable characters, strong females, non-stop action, and impossible odds will love this novel. Generation Y girls will love this book in particular because it deals with problems they face daily. It show how woman can be strong and how to have a healthy YA relationship. In fact, the author makes a point of ensuring the couples are good for each other, fixing the toxic problems they suffered from in the last novel.

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Photo Credit: Petra

City of Heavenly Fire wraps up a series started in 2007, The Mortal Instruments. Now, keep in mind that in order to fully enjoy City of Heavenly Fire you have to read her The Infernal Devices trilogy. Both series can stand on their own, but together they become something much more enriching. City of Heavenly Fire brings back old faces from The Infernal Devices and introduces the protagonists for her next trilogy, The Dark Artifices, which comes out sometime in 2015. If you’re curious about reading the series, here’s the order in which you should read them. Remember, all the books with “City of . . .” titles are part of The Mortal Instruments. All books with “Clockwork . . . ” titles are part of The Infernal Devices.

  1. City of Bones
  2. City of Ashes
  3. City of Glass
  4. Clock Work Angel
  5. City of fallen Angels
  6. Clockwork Prince
  7. City of Lost Souls
  8. Clockwork Princess
  9. City of Heavenly Fire

Want to buy the books? Then click on any picture in this article and it will take you straight too it.

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You can always get the series box-sets to save some money!  Don’t forget, City of Bones is now a movie too.

Resources:, personal experience

City of Heavenly Fire Book Review


  • Ariel Pakizer

    Ariel Pakizer graduated summa cum laude from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s in English and a Minor in Marketing and has over five-years of professional experience in marketing communications. She believes in empowering the individual and rising up to challenges. Naturally, she caught the volunteering bug at a young age and enjoys supporting worthy causes like NAAHP. As an amateur graphic designer and an aspiring novelist, she uses her creativity to inspire her professional and personal life. She studies Japanese in her spare time and lived in Kagoshima, Japan for a year. “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” – William Feather

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