Author: Ariel Pakizer

Ariel Pakizer graduated summa cum laude from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s in English and a Minor in Marketing and has over five-years of professional experience in marketing communications. She believes in empowering the individual and rising up to challenges. Naturally, she caught the volunteering bug at a young age and enjoys supporting worthy causes like NAAHP. As an amateur graphic designer and an aspiring novelist, she uses her creativity to inspire her professional and personal life. She studies Japanese in her spare time and lived in Kagoshima, Japan for a year. “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” – William Feather
10 Tips for Growing Strong, Healthy Nails

10 Tips for Growing Strong, Healthy Nails

Having great, healthy nails can give anyone a confidence boost. This might be why women are famous for lacquering their nails in thousands of different colors and patterns. However, nails can…

people at the beach

7 Healthy Places to go on Vacation

People can get sick in many ways—spiritually, mentally, physically—and different places help Millennials recover from the various illness one can suffer. Whether you are stressed out about finding a new…

book, reading, review

City of Heavenly Fire Book Review

A YA urban Fantasy book, Cassandra Clare’s City of Heavenly Fire follows Clary Morgenstern and her friends who—with the exception of a vampire and a warlock—are Shadowhunters, humans with angel…

Why Pets are the Perfect Companion

Everyone wants a companion, someone to love and be loved by, someone to trust and lean on, but those can be difficult to find. So, what’s the perfect solution? A…